The Quran in Rhymes: A Poetic Translation: Surah An-Nisa
Peace be upon you, the descendants of Adam,
The rhymed translation provided aims to capture the essence and meaning of the Quran but may not be a precise word-for-word English translation. This rhyme was crafted with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Readers, feel free to suggest any improvements or corrections.
Surah An-Nisa (The Women)
O mankind! Be mindful of your Lord, the One who made,
From a single soul, mankind’s foundation laid.
From Adam and Eve, all have come to be,
Men and women, in His great decree.
Fear Allah, through whom your rights are claimed,
And sever not the ties that blood has named.
For surely, Allah watches all you do,
Ever-present, and all-knowing too.
Give orphans their due, their property respect,
Don’t trade their good for your bad, with no regret.
Devour not their wealth, nor mix it with yours,
For this is a sin that Allah deplores.
If with orphan girls you fear not to be fair,
Then marry women you choose with care.
Two, three, or four, but if you fear this test,
Then marry just one, to avoid the unjust.
Give to your brides their rightful due,
The Mahr, with a heart sincere and true.
But if they willingly give back some part,
Enjoy it with ease, no harm to your heart.
Do not hand wealth to those unwise,
Who lack support in managing their lives.
Feed and clothe them with kindness too,
And speak with words that are just and true.
Test the orphans till marriage age,
Release their wealth when they are sage.
Don’t waste it fearing they’ll soon grow,
Take witnesses, for Allah knows what you show.
For men and women, a share is assigned,
From what’s left behind by those who’ve resigned,
Be it wealth small or great in size,
It’s their legal share, no compromise.
When dividing wealth, let the needy appear,
The poor and orphans, bring them near.
Give them some from the wealth in view,
Speak with kindness, just and true.
And let those who guard and guide,
Feel the same fear they’d have inside,
For their own children, should they leave
Weak heirs they’d wish to protect and weave.
Let them fear Allah and choose right words,
With hearts that trust in the Lord’s accords.
Those who consume orphans’ wealth unfair,
Are filling their bellies with fire and despair.
In blazing flames, they shall reside,
For injustice done, they cannot hide.
Allah commands regarding your children’s share,
For a male, it’s two females to be fair.
If only daughters, two or more, they gain
Two-thirds of the wealth that does remain.
If just one daughter, she gets half the part,
And parents receive a sixth from the start.
If no children are left, and parents remain,
The mother takes a third from the gained.
But if the deceased has siblings alive,
The mother’s share becomes a sixth to divide.
These are ordained by Allah’s decree,
All-Knowing, All-Wise, He judges with mercy.
If your wife leaves no child, half is your share,
But if children are left, you get a fourth fair.
If you leave no children, they get one-fourth,
But if you leave children, an eighth is their worth.
If no parents or offspring are left behind,
A brother or sister will a sixth then find.
If there are more siblings, a third is split,
After debts and bequests, no harm to admit.
This is Allah’s command, full of wisdom and care,
The Most-Knowing, and Forbearing, beyond compare.
These are Allah’s limits, set for the just,
And whoever obeys them, in Allah they trust.
Gardens await with rivers that flow,
In Paradise, forever they’ll go.
That is the great success that will be,
For those who submit to Allah’s decree.
But those who disobey and transgress Allah’s way,
Shall dwell in the Fire, forever they’ll stay.
A torment disgraceful will be their plight,
For breaking Allah’s law and choosing wrong over right.
As for women who commit a sinful affair,
Call four witnesses, just and fair.
If proven, confine them till death sets them free,
Or until Allah makes another decree.
For those caught in sin, both man and wife,
Punish them, but offer repentance in life.
If they repent and mend their ways,
Forgive them, for Allah’s mercy stays.
Allah accepts repentance from those who do wrong,
In ignorance or haste, but don’t delay long.
Soon they turn back, and Allah will forgive,
For He knows best how His servants live.
But repentance is void when death is at the door,
For those who reject faith and persist in sin more.
When a disbeliever dies without regret,
A painful torment is all they’ll get.
O believers! Inheriting women against their will,
Is forbidden, and against Allah’s will.
Do not mistreat them or take back their Mahr,
Unless they sin in a way that’s unfair.
Live with them kindly, in love and grace,
Even if dislike finds a place.
If you wish to replace one wife with another,
Do not take back from one what you gave her.
Even if you gave a mountain of gold,
Would you take it by sin, so bold?
How could you take it back, indeed,
When you were bound in a sacred creed?
A firm covenant between you stands,
So take not what’s given by your hands.
Do not marry women your fathers wed,
Except what’s passed, no shame to spread.
It’s a shameful act, an evil indeed,
Avoid this path and follow Allah’s creed.
Forbidden to marry are mothers and daughters,
Sisters and aunts, and those nurtured like daughters.
Those tied through milk with a bond that’s shared,
And nieces from brothers or sisters who cared.
The wives of your sons, who bear your name,
And step-daughters raised under your claim.
To marry two sisters at once is not just,
But Allah forgives past acts, in Him place your trust.
Married women are also forbidden to wed,
Except captives or slaves under your stead.
Lawful are those whom you seek with care,
With Mahr that’s rightful and justly fair.
If you agree to more after it’s due,
There’s no harm, as Allah’s wisdom is true.
If you can’t afford a free woman to wed,
Then marry believers whom your right hand has led.
And Allah knows well the faith you declare,
You all are alike, united in care.
Seek consent from their guardians first,
And grant them Mahr, fair and just.
They must be chaste, avoiding sin,
Not taking premarital sexual partners or living in sin.
If they commit wrong, after wedlock’s secured,
Half the punishment they’ll have to endure.
This is for those who fear they might fall,
But patience is better, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful and He knows all.
Allah wishes to show you the way that’s right,
What’s lawful and clear in His guiding light.
He wants to accept your repentance, too,
For Allah is All-Knowing and Wise in what’s true.
Allah desires your repentance, sincere,
But those who follow lust seek to steer
You far from the path, so deviate not,
Stay firm on the truth that you’ve been taught.
Allah wishes to ease your strain,
For man is weak, prone to pain.
He lightens your load with His mercy near,
For He knows well what’s hard to bear.
O you who believe, do not consume
Your wealth unjustly, or lead to doom.
Let trade be just, by mutual accord,
And do not kill or destroy yourselves, for Allah is your Most Merciful Lord.
Whoever commits aggression and injustice with wrongful intent,
To the fire, their fate is surely sent.
This is easy for Allah to decree,
So be just, live righteously.
If you avoid the sins that are great,
Your smaller faults, He will abate.
You’ll enter Paradise, noble and bright,
For those who walk in His path of light.
Do not envy what others possess,
For each earns reward and success.
Men have their share, and women too,
Ask Allah’s bounty, for He knows what’s due.
To all, We’ve appointed rightful heirs to claim,
What parents and kin have left in their name.
Honor your pledges with those you’ve bound,
For Allah is Witness to all around.
Men are the protectors of women, for sure,
By what Allah made them to endure.
They spend from their means, protecting their own,
Righteous women obey, even when alone.
If misconduct appears, advise them right,
Then distance, and lastly, with lightness, fight.
But if they return to a path that’s clear,
Seek no means to annoy or interfere.
For Allah is Most High, Most Great in might,
So handle all matters in wisdom’s light.
If you sense a breach between the two (Husband and wife),
Appoint two arbiters, fair and true —
One from his family, one from hers,
To seek resolve where conflict stirs.
If peace is sought, Allah will guide,
For He knows well what’s hidden inside.
Worship Allah alone and none beside,
Do good to parents, kinsfolk, wide.
Care for orphans, the poor in need,
Neighbors near and far, help indeed.
The wayfarer, the slave you own,
For Allah dislikes pride that’s shown.
The miserly who hide Allah’s grace,
And urge others to do the same disgrace,
A torment awaits them, severe in pain,
For rejecting Allah’s bounties in vain.
Those who spend to be seen by man,
And disbelieve in the Last Day and Allah’s plan,
They are allies of Satan’s snare,
What a dreadful companion they share!
What harm would come if they believed in Allah and the Last Day,
And gave from the sustenance Allah sent their way?
For Allah knows all that they do and convey,
He is All-Knowing of them in every display.
Allah wrongs not, even an atom’s weight,
And doubles good deeds, rewards so great.
A bounty He gives from His grace,
For those who walk in the righteous place.
How will it be, when We call from each nation a guide,
And We make you (O Muhammad) a witness on their side?
The disbelievers will wish that day,
To be buried deep and far away.
They’ll hide nothing from Allah’s sight,
For He knows all, with His perfect might.
O believers, do not approach prayer,
In drunkenness where words are unclear.
Nor in (sexual) impurity till you’re clean,
With water or earth, as it may mean.
For Allah is Oft-Pardoning, Forgiving still,
And His mercy is greater than any ill.
Have you not seen those given the Book,
Who bought the wrong path and forsook
The truth, wishing you’d go astray,
From Allah’s clear and righteous way?
Allah knows well who stands your foe,
And Allah’s protection will surely show.
Sufficient is He, your Helper near,
With Allah, there’s nothing to fear.
Among the Jews, some twist the Word,
Mocking faith, by slights unheard.
Instead of saying, “We obey,”
They speak to mislead, far astray.
Had they said, “We hear and obey,”
And “Grant us understanding” without delay,
It would have been better, far more right,
But Allah has cursed them, for their spite.
In disbelief, they choose to remain,
And few among them will truly sustain.
O People of the Book, now hear and see,
Believe in what’s revealed from Me,
Confirming the truth that reached you before,
Before We erase your faces, turning them more,
Like the back of necks, with no sight to behold,
Or curse you as We did to those of old,
For Allah’s command is always true,
And His will is done in all He’ll do.
Allah forgives all except this sin,
To set up partners with Him within.
Inventing a tremendous sin so great and wide,
Those who do it lose Allah’s guide.
Have you not seen those who claim,
Sanctity for themselves, by name?
But Allah sanctifies whom He wills,
With justice and grace, every heart He fills.
They’ll face no wrong, not even a thread,
As fine as a Fatila, by justice led.
Look how they invent lies against Allah in vain,
What a manifest sin, their gain.
Have you not seen those given the Book?
Who believe in falsehood (Jibt and Taghut), forsook.
They claim the disbelievers are more rightly led,
And that their path is clearer, with truth ahead.
Those cursed by Allah will never find
A helper to aid them, left behind.
Or do they hold a share in the kingdom’s reign?
If so, they’d give mankind nothing,
not even a speck on the back of a date-stone or grain (Naqira).
Do they envy what Allah bestowed?
On Muhammad and his faithful abode?
We gave to Abraham’s family, too,
Wisdom, divine inspiration, a great kingdom and riches true.
Some believed in him, some turned away,
For Hell is the price they’ll surely pay.
And Hell shall suffice to burn them in its fire,
A fitting end for their refusal and desire.
Those who deny Our signs, we’ll burn (them in Fire),
Their skins replaced as they return,
To taste the punishment again, again,
Allah is Mighty, Wise to reign.
But those who believe and act aright,
Will dwell in Gardens, pure and bright.
With rivers flowing beneath their feet,
In eternal bliss, their purified mates meet.
We shall admit them to shades, vast and deep,
Where tranquility reigns, and peace will keep.
Verily, Allah commands you to return the trust,
To those it’s due, as is fair and just.
And when you judge between men, be just and true,
For excellent is the guidance He gives you.
Truly, Allah is the Hearer, the Seer,
Aware of all, both far and near.
O you who believe, obey Allah’s command,
And the Messenger, with His guidance so grand.
Obey those in authority, in rightful place,
And turn to Allah and His Messenger in case
Of disputes among you, when paths diverge,
If you believe in the Last Day’s urge.
That’s better and wiser for a just decree,
For Allah’s judgment is the true guarantee.
Have you seen those who claim to believe,
In what was sent to you and those who precede?
Yet when disputes arise, they turn away,
To false judges, though they’ve been told to disobey.
But Satan seeks to lead them astray,
Away from the truth, to a darker way.
And when it is said to them: “Come to what Allah has sent down,
And to the Messenger (Muhammad), in His wisdom profound,”
You (Muhammad) see the hypocrites, their hearts in dismay,
Turning away with aversion, led by pride astray.
How then, when a catastrophe strikes, from what their hands have wrought,
They come to you, swearing by Allah, with words that are naught,
“We meant no more than goodwill,” they claim, though lies they’ve sent,
Only peace and conciliation, though their hearts are far from bent.
Allah knows what’s deep inside,
So speak to them with truth, not pride.
Admonish them, and reach their core,
With effective words that heal and truth restore.
No Messenger is sent, but to obey,
By Allah’s leave, in every way.
Had they repented, sought His grace,
Allah’s mercy they’d embrace.
But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, true and pure,
Until they make you (O Muhammad) judge, with decisions sure,
And find in themselves no resistance, against your decision’s might,
Accepting with full submission, in hearts humble and right.
Had We commanded, “Take your own lives, or depart from your place,”
Few among them would comply, in such a test to face.
Yet had they obeyed as commanded to do,
It would bring them goodness and strengthen them too.
We would have given them a great reward,
From Us, blessings they’d afford.
And guided them to the righteous way,
Straight and true, by night and day.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger’s call,
Will join the ranks of those graced by Allah:
The Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs who strive,
And the righteous whose deeds keep faith alive.
What excellent companions, noble and true,
A reward from Allah for what they pursue!
Such is the favor that Allah bestows,
His wisdom and knowledge are sufficient; He fully knows.
O you who believe, to face what’s ahead,
Take your precautions, be wisely led.
Go forth in groups or united as one,
Prepared for the trials till the task is done.
Among you is one who lingers behind,
Avoiding the cause with a hesitant mind.
If misfortune strikes, they joyfully say,
“Indeed, Allah favored me by keeping me away that day.”
But if Allah grants you bounty and gain,
He will say, with no bond of affection to maintain,
“Oh, how I wish I had been there too,
To share in the victory and the wealth with you!”
Let those who trade this life for the next,
Fight in Allah’s Cause, with hearts unmixed.
Whoever strives for Him, with death or victory near,
A great reward awaits, with Allah’s promise clear.
What holds you back from fighting for Allah’s cause,
For the weak and oppressed, who suffer unjust laws?
Men, women, and children in suffering and fright,
Crying, “Our Lord, rescue us from the oppressors’ might!
Send us a protector, one who will defend,
And send us a helper, to bring this to an end.”
Those who believe, fight for Allah’s sake,
While those who disbelieve for Taghut’s cause partake.
So fight against the allies of Shaitan’s reign,
For the schemes of Shaitan are weak and cannot stand.
Have you not seen those who were told to refrain,
To pray, give Zakat, and hold back from the strain?
But when fighting was commanded, fear took its place,
As they feared men more than Allah’s embrace.
They say, “Our Lord, why has fighting been decreed?
Would that You had granted us a respite indeed?”
Say, The world’s pleasures are fleeting and small,
The Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah and heed the call.
You will not be wronged, not even a thread,
Not the smallest amount (Fatila), by which justice is led.
“Wheresoever you may be, death will find its way,
Even in strong fortresses, high and astray!”
When good comes their way, they say, “It’s from Allah’s grace,”
But when evil strikes, they blame you, with no trace.
Say, “All things come from Allah, the One in control,”
So why do they fail to grasp the truth in their soul?
Whatever good reaches you, are from Allah’s grace,
But any evil that strikes, is from your own place.
We have sent you, O Muhammad, to guide all mankind,
And Allah is sufficient, as the Witness, kind.
He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah’s command,
But he who turns away, has no guide to withstand.
We have not sent you, O Muhammad, to oversee,
For their actions are their own, as clear as can be.
They claim, “We obey,” but when you’re not around,
Some plot through the night, with plans that confound.
But Allah records every plot that they make,
So turn away from them, for your peace’s sake.
Allah is All-Sufficient, in Him place your trust,
Disposer of affairs, in Him we must.
Do they not ponder the Qur’an with care?
Had it been from others, contradictions would be there.
When matters of safety or fear arise,
They spread the news, to no surprise.
Had they referred it to the Messenger’s way,
Or those in charge, to them they’d relay,
The truth would be clear, understood with care,
By those who investigate and are aware.
But for Allah’s grace and mercy so wide,
Few would have stayed from Satan’s side.
So fight, O Muhammad, for Allah’s cause,
You’re responsible only for your own loss.
Encourage the believers to stand and fight,
So Allah may restrain the disbelievers’ might.
For Allah is stronger, His might supreme,
In power and punishment, He reigns as King.
Whoever intercedes for a noble cause,
Will gain its reward, without any loss.
But if for evil, their share they’ll bear,
And Allah sees all, with justice fair.
When greeted with a greeting, respond with grace,
Or return it equal, in its rightful place.
For Allah keeps count of all we do,
And His reckoning is always true.
Allah! None but He deserves worship and praise,
On the Day of Judgment, you’ll rise and be dazed.
No doubt remains about that destined day,
And who speaks truer than Allah, we say?
What is it with you, divided in two,
Over the hypocrites, with hearts untrue?
Allah has turned them back to their ways,
For what they’ve earned through their deceitful gaze.
Do you seek to guide one Allah led astray?
For such a one, you will never find for him any way (of guidance).
They wish you reject Faith, as they do,
So that all become equal, your faith untrue.
Take not protectors from them, let this be clear,
Unless they emigrate in the Way of Allah, drawing near.
But if they turn away from Islam, in disdain,
Seize them, kill them, and wherever found, end their reign.
Take no allies or helpers from their side,
For in their ways, there’s no truth to abide.
Except those who join a group in peace,
With whom you have a treaty, a pact’s release,
Or those who restrain, avoiding the fight,
Not battling you or their people in sight.
Had Allah willed, they’d have power to fight,
But if they withdraw, and seek peace in right,
Then Allah has given no path for your hand,
Against them, no way, as per His command.
You’ll meet others who seek safety, from you and their kin,
Each time temptation calls, they’ll fall back in.
If they don’t turn from you, nor offer peace,
Nor hold their hands, then let none cease —
Take them, and kill them wherever you may,
For against them, We’ve given clear words to display.
A believer should never slay another in belief,
Except by mistake, causing sorrow and grief.
If such a wrong is done, a slave must be freed,
And blood money paid, if the family agrees.
If the slain was a believer and from a foe at war with you,
Free the believing slave, that’s what you must do.
But if a treaty binds, and peace is in place,
Compensation is owed by his family, along with freedom’s grace.
And if you can’t afford this penance to bear,
Fast two months, in repentance and prayer.
For Allah is Knowing, in wisdom so deep,
He guides the believers, His promise to keep.
Who kills a believer with intent,
Hell is his dwelling, forever sent.
Allah’s curse upon him, a great punishment meant,
A wrath prepared that none can prevent.
O you who believe! When in Allah’s cause you fight,
Verify the truth, and judge with insight.
Say not to one who greets with peace,
“You’re no believer,” for worldly gain’s release.
With Allah’s rewards, there’s far more to gain,
Than fleeting goods that cause only pain.
Just as you were, before Allah’s grace,
He guided you to His righteous place.
So be cautious in discrimination, and be wise,
Allah knows all, with watchful eyes.
Not equal are those who strive in Allah’s Cause,
And those who sit, except for a just pause.
Except the weak, by illness confined,
Who, in their struggle, are still aligned.
But those who strive in Allah’s great name,
With wealth and life, they earn their fame.
Allah has raised those who fight and give,
Above those who sit, though they still live.
To each, a promise of good awaits,
But those who strive hard and fight have higher fates,
Above those who sit, with a reward so vast,
A greater bounty, from Allah, steadfast.
Degrees of honor, from Him bestowed,
Forgiveness and Mercy, on which we’re owed.
For Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, kind,
The Most Merciful, in Him we find.
Verily, when angels take (in death) those who’ve gone astray,
While wronging themselves, they’ve lost their way,
They ask, “In what state were you found?”
They answer, “Weak and oppressed, on earth we were bound.”
The angels reply, “Was not Allah’s earth wide?
Could you not have fled, with faith as your guide?”
Such men will find their home in Hell’s dark station —
What a wretched end, an evil destination!
Except the weak among men, women, and child,
Who cannot plan, nor find their way, beguiled.
For these, there’s hope that Allah will forgive,
For He’s Ever Pardoning, in His mercy we live.
He who emigrates for Allah’s Cause,
Will find on earth many places and more to pause.
And whoever leaves for Allah and His Guide,
If death overtakes him, in Allah’s grace he’ll reside.
When you travel through the land, there’s no sin to bear,
If you shorten your Salat, in fear of attack from there.
For the disbelievers, indeed, are open foes to you,
Ever seeking harm, in all that they pursue.
When you’re with them, O Messenger, to lead in prayer,
Let one group stand with arms, while others stay aware.
Once they’ve bowed and prostrated, they’ll retreat to the rear,
Then the second group prays, with caution, drawing near.
The disbelievers wish you’d let your guard down,
So they could rush upon you, causing loss and frown.
There is no sin on you if you lay your arms aside,
But take every precaution, with Allah as your guide.
For Allah has prepared a torment, humiliating and dire,
For those who disbelieve and to their fate aspire.
When prayer is done, remember Allah, near and far,
Standing, sitting, lying down — wherever you are.
But when you’re free from harm, stand firm in your prayer,
For the prayer is fixed for you, at times that are fair.
Don’t be weak in pursuit, though hardships you endure,
For they too suffer pain, just as you’re made sure.
But you have hope from Allah, a reward they can’t claim,
A hope of Paradise, in His eternal name.
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise in His way,
Guiding you through trials, with wisdom each day.
We’ve sent to you, O Muhammad, the Book in truth,
To judge with wisdom, as taught to you in proof.
So don’t plead for the treacherous, nor stand by their side,
For Allah’s guidance and justice shall be your guide.
And seek Allah’s Forgiveness, His mercy is wide,
For Allah is Forgiving, with love as your guide.
Do not argue for those who deceive their own soul,
For Allah detests the betrayer, who’s lost control,
And those who indulge in crime, breaking trust and grace,
Their actions bring them nothing but disgrace.
They may hide their deeds from men, but not from Allah’s sight,
For He is with them always, in darkness of night.
When they plot with words He does not approve,
Allah surrounds their actions, with power to remove.
You’ve argued for them in this world, it’s true,
But who will defend them when the Day of Resurrection is due?
Who will stand by them, when Allah takes His stand,
And no one can help with His mighty command?
Whoever does wrong or harms their soul,
Then turns to Allah, seeking to be whole,
Will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful, and kind,
A pardon so vast, in His grace he’ll find.
Whoever earns sin, it’s against their own plight,
For Allah is All-Knowing, in His wisdom and might.
Whoever earns a fault or sin, then shifts the blame,
To someone innocent, dishonoring their name,
Has burdened themselves with falsehood and deceit,
And a clear, manifest sin they will meet.
Had not Allah’s Grace and Mercy been your guide,
A group would have misled you, led astray in pride.
But they mislead none but themselves, you see,
For no harm can come to you, in His decree.
He sent you the Book, with wisdom so pure,
Teaching what you did not know, a guide to ensure.
Great is Allah’s Grace upon you, O Messenger,
A gift of knowledge, His mercy ever sure.
In most of their secret talks, no good you’ll find,
Except for the one who gives with a generous mind —
Charity for Allah, or deeds that are right,
Or making peace among people, bringing light.
Whoever seeks Allah’s Pleasure in these things,
We’ll grant them a great reward, as the blessing it brings.
Whoever opposes the Messenger, once truth is clear,
And follows a path that’s not the believers’ near,
We’ll leave him to the way that he has chosen,
And cast him in Hell, where torment’s unspoken.
An evil end awaits him, in that fiery place,
For rejecting the truth and turning from grace.
Allah forgives not the sin of setting up a share,
In worship with Him, none can compare.
But He forgives whom He wills for other sin,
And those who commit shirk, have strayed within.
They call on deities, but not Allah’s name,
Invoking female gods, in idol’s claim.
And they summon only Satan, the rebel bold,
A defiant enemy, in his ways uncontrolled.
Allah cursed him, in His wrath and might,
And Shaitan vowed, in his spiteful fight:
“I will claim my share of your servants’ hearts,”
Leading them astray, with deceptive arts.
(Satan said): “Indeed, I will mislead them, with false hopes and lies,
And stir in their hearts, deceitful desires that rise.”
He’ll command them to slit the ears of the cattle,
And change Allah’s creation, causing hearts to battle.
Whoever takes Satan as their helper and guide,
Instead of Allah, has lost, far and wide.
He makes promises, and stirs false desire,
But Satan’s promises only call to the fire —
Empty deceptions, with no truth to show,
Leading hearts astray, where darkness will grow.
The dwelling of such (people) is Hell’s domain,
And from it, no way of escape will remain.
But those who in Allah’s Oneness believe,
And righteous deeds with their hearts conceive,
We shall admit them to the Gardens below,
Where rivers flow, to dwell there and glow.
His promise is true, with no words truer and clearer,
Than those of Allah, whom none can outhear.
It won’t align with your desires, nor those of the Book’s folk,
Whoever does evil will face its yoke,
And he will find no protector or aid,
Except Allah, whose help will never fade.
And whoever does righteous deeds, both male and female,
And in Allah’s Oneness truly prevail,
They’ll enter Paradise, with no wrong to face,
Not even a speck on the back of a date-stone, in Allah’s grace.
And who is better in faith than one who submits,
His heart to Allah, where true belief sits?
A Muhsin, a doer of good in His sight,
Following Ibrahim’s path, pure and right.
A Hanifa, to worship none but the One,
And Allah took Ibrahim as His chosen one,
A bond that’s eternal, a friendship divine.
To Allah belongs all in the heavens above,
And all on the earth, by His will and love.
Allah is Encompassing, all things in His sight,
With power and knowledge, beyond all might.
They ask you for rulings about women, say:
Allah guides you in what He has to say,
And in the Book, concerning orphan girls,
Whose rights you withhold, yet seek to marry still,
And about the weak children who are oppressed and orphan youth,
You must stand for justice, uphold the truth.
For whatever good you do, Allah knows it well,
In every action, His awareness will swell.
And if a woman fears cruelty or neglect,
There’s no harm if they choose to reflect,
And make peace between them, a way to unite,
For peace is better, and ends the fight.
Though human hearts are swayed by greed,
If you do good and avoid what’s heed,
Allah is Ever Well-Acquainted Who knows all that you do with care,
His knowledge of you is beyond compare.
You will never be able to do perfect justice,
Between your wives, though you wish it with earnestness.
So don’t lean too much to one, and leave the other in vain,
Neither divorced nor wed, caught in between the strain.
And if you act justly, do what is right,
And fear Allah, avoiding wrong in His sight,
Then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful too,
Always ready to pardon, and guide you through.
But if they part (by divorce), Allah will provide,
From His Bounty, for each one, a way to abide.
Allah is Sufficient for all that they need,
In His wisdom, He guides, in thought and deed.
To Allah belongs all in the heavens and earth,
And to you, and those before, We gave this worth:
Fear Allah and uphold your duty to Him,
But if you disbelieve, His dominion won’t dim.
That to Allah belongs all that’s in the sky and land,
He is Rich, Worthy of Praise, by His command.
To Allah belongs all that’s in the heavens and earth,
And Allah is Ever All-Sufficient, in all He’s worth.
He is the Disposer of affairs, indeed,
With perfect wisdom, He meets every need.
If He wills, He can take you away, O mankind,
And bring others in your place, by His design.
For Allah is All-Potent, with power to decree,
Over all things, He holds supreme authority.
Whoever seeks the reward of this world alone,
With Allah is the reward for both, fully known,
For both this life and the life to come,
Allah hears and sees all, His power is known to none.
O you who believe! Stand firm for what is just,
As witnesses to Allah, in Him place your trust,
Even if it’s against yourselves, kin, or friend,
Whether rich or poor, justice must not bend.
For Allah is the Best Protector, wise and true,
So follow not desires that lead you askew.
If you distort or refuse the truth you must bear,
Allah knows all, He’s aware and fair.
O you who believe! Believe in Allah, the True,
And in His Messenger, Muhammad, sent to you.
In the Book He revealed to guide you right,
And the Scriptures before, in the path of light.
Whoever denies Allah, His Angels, His Word,
The Messengers, and the Last Day, has truly gone astray, absurd.
Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve,
Then believe again, and in disbelief cleave,
And continue to grow in their doubt and denial,
Allah will not forgive, nor guide them in trial.
Give the hypocrites the tidings, clear and dire,
That for them awaits a painful torment of fire.
Those who take disbelievers as protectors, not believers,
Do they seek honor, power, and glory from these seekers?
Verily, all honor, power, and glory belong to Allah alone,
For He is the Sovereign, on His Throne.
And it has been revealed to you in the Book (the Qur’an),
That when you hear Allah’s Verses mocked and withdrawn,
Do not sit with them until they speak of something new,
For if you stay, you would be like them too.
Surely, Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers,
All together in Hell, as the ultimate deceivers.
Those hypocrites who watch and wait,
If you win from Allah, they celebrate,
Saying, “Were we not with you all along?”
But if the disbelievers succeed, they think they were strong.
They say: “Did we not have mastery and protect you well,
From the believers, who in faith excel?”
Allah will judge you all on that final day,
And never will the disbelievers hold sway.
Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah,
But it is He Who deceives by repaying their deceit in full.
When they stand for prayer, with laziness they rise,
To be seen by men, with no truth in their eyes,
And they remember Allah but a little, if at all,
Their hearts are distant, though they answer the call.
They sway between this and that,
Belonging to neither, lost in combat.
And whom Allah leads astray from the way,
You will find no path for him, come what may.
O you who believe! Take not disbelievers as friends,
Instead of believers, on whose support depends.
Do you wish to offer Allah clear proof,
Against yourselves, in your choices aloof?
Truly, the hypocrites will dwell in the deepest part,
No helper will come to their aid, no comfort to impart.
Except those who turn to Him in repentance true,
Do righteous deeds and hold to Allah’s view,
Purify their faith, with sincerity in mind,
Worshipping none but Him, leaving pride behind.
Then with the believers, they shall stand in grace,
And Allah will bless them with a great reward in place.
Why should Allah punish if thanks you’ve given,
And in Him you’ve believed, to the truth you’re driven?
And Allah is Ever All-Appreciative of the good we bring,
All-Knowing, His wisdom in everything.
Allah does not wish the evil to be told,
Except by the wronged, in their story bold.
For Allah is All-Hearer, His knowledge is deep,
All-Knowing, He knows the secrets we keep.
Whether you share a good deed with thanks in your speech,
Or keep it concealed, or forgive what may breach,
Verily, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, full of might,
All-Powerful, His mercy is infinite.
Verily, those who reject Allah and His messengers’ call,
And seek to divide between them, refusing it all,
Saying, “We believe in some, the rest we deny,”
And choose a middle way, between truth and a lie.
In truth, they are the disbelievers, clear to see,
And for such, We’ve prepared a humiliating torment, full of misery.
Those who believe in Allah and His Messengers all,
Without distinction, answering the right call,
We’ll grant them their rewards, for their faith is sound,
And Allah is Forgiving, with mercy unbound.
The People of the Scripture ask for a book from the sky,
But they asked even more from Musa, asking, “Show us Allah high!”
They were struck by thunder and lightning, their sin so great,
Yet they worshipped the calf, despite the signs of fate.
Still, Allah forgave them, in mercy so wide,
And gave Musa clear proof, as a guide by their side.
For their covenant, We raised the Mount high,
And told them, “Enter the gate with humility, bowing nigh.”
We commanded, “Do not transgress on the Sabbath day,”
And took from them a firm promise, in every way.
For breaking the covenant, rejecting Allah’s signs,
Killing the Prophets, crossing all lines,
Saying, “Our hearts are covered, we cannot perceive,”
Nay, Allah has sealed them, and they do not believe,
Except a little, their hearts turned away,
Lost in their disbelief, they stray from the way.
And for their disbelief, a false claim they did say,
Against Maryam (Mary), in a grievous way,
Accusing her wrongly, of a sinful deed,
A charge untrue, born from their corrupt creed.
They boast, “We killed the Messiah, the son of Mary,”
But they did not slay him, nor crucify.
Instead, a likeness was placed upon another’s face,
And those who dispute this, are lost in their case.
They have no true knowledge, just doubts that they chase,
For surely, they did not kill him — this truth they erase.
But Allah took him, to Himself did raise,
For Allah is All-Powerful, in all of His ways.
His decree is steadfast, by His will all things stand,
In His wisdom and might, He holds the command.
None of the People of the Scripture will deny,
That ‘Iesa, son of Mary, is the truth, not a lie.
Before his death, all must believe,
In him as a Messenger, no falsehood to weave.
And on the Day of Judgment, he will bear witness true,
Against them all, for what they failed to pursue.
For the wrongs of the X, We forbade them to eat,
Certain good foods that once were a treat,
And for their hindrance, turning many away,
From the path of Allah, leading them astray.
And their taking of Riba (usury), though it was banned,
And devouring men’s wealth with a greedy hand.
For the disbelievers among them, a torment awaits,
A painful punishment, for the wrongs they create.
But those among them who are learned and wise,
And the believers who heed the truth with their eyes,
They believe in what’s sent to you, Prophet Muhammad, their guide,
And in what came before, with faith as their stride.
They establish As-Salat, and Zakat they pay,
Believing in Allah and the Last Day.
To them, We’ll grant a reward, great and supreme,
For their faith and deeds, in Allah’s righteous scheme.
We inspired you, O Muhammad, as We did before,
To Nuh, and the Prophets who came ever more.
To Ibrahim, Isma’il, Ishaque, and Ya’qub,
And his twelve sons, a noble and blessed group.
Iesa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun, and Sulaiman,
And to Dawud, We gave the Zabur, a divine plan.
And Messengers We’ve named, and some left untold,
And to Musa (Moses), Allah’s words did unfold.
He spoke to him directly, with guidance so pure,
A divine conversation, that none could obscure (Except whom Allah grants the knowledge).
Messengers sent as bearers of glad tidings and warning,
So mankind has no plea, no excuse for ignoring.
And Allah is All-Powerful, with wisdom so vast,
His decree is eternal, from first to the last.
But Allah bears witness to what He has sent,
The Qur’an revealed with His knowledge, intent.
And the angels bear witness, in truth they stand,
And Allah is All-Sufficient, His witness so grand.
Verily, those who disbelieve and hide the truth,
About Prophet Muhammad and his message of proof,
Written in the Taurat and Injeel, clear to see,
And block the Path of Allah, they’ve strayed indeed.
Verily, those who disbelieve and do wrong,
Concealing the truth, where it should belong,
Written in the Taurat and Injeel with clarity,
Allah will not forgive, nor guide them to prosperity.
Except the way of Hell, where they’ll dwell in despair,
Forever and ever, with no hope or care.
And this is easy for Allah, in His might and decree,
For all is in His hands, as He wills it to be.
O mankind! The Messenger has come to you,
With the truth from your Lord, clear and true.
Believe in him, it’s better for you,
But if you disbelieve, then Allah owns all too.
All that is in the heavens and earth, His domain,
And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise in His reign.
O People of the Scripture, do not exceed,
In your religion, nor let falsehood proceed.
Say not of Allah but the truth, make it clear,
The Messiah ‘Iesa, a Messenger sincere.
A Word from Allah, “Be!” and he was,
Bestowed on Maryam, a spirit from His cause.
Believe in Allah and His Messengers true,
Say not “Three!” — it’s better for you.
For Allah is One, with no son or kin,
Glory to Him, exalted above all sin.
To Him belongs all in the earth and sky,
And Allah is All-Sufficient as the Disposer of affairs, ever nearby.
The Messiah will never refuse to be Allah’s slave,
Nor the angels, near to Him, so humble and brave.
And whoever rejects His worship, full of pride,
He will gather them all, none will be denied.
Those who believe in Allah’s Oneness, true and clear,
And do righteous deeds, their rewards will appear.
From His bounty, He’ll give them more than they desire,
A reward that will lift them ever higher.
But those who reject His worship in pride,
A painful torment will be their guide.
No protector or helper will they find,
But Allah alone, in His power, confined.
O mankind! A clear proof has come to you,
From your Lord, in Muhammad, faithful and true.
We sent down to you a light so bright,
This Qur’an, a guide, to lead you right.
Those who believe and to Allah hold fast,
He’ll admit them to mercy, with peace that will last.
Into His grace, they’ll enter with ease,
And be guided to Him, on the Straight Path to peace.
They ask you for a ruling, a judgment to find,
Say: Allah has spoken, with wisdom refined.
In the case of Al-Kalalah, when no heirs remain,
A sister inherits half, if no child’s in the gain.
But if a woman dies and leaves no child,
Her brother takes the share, as Allah has compiled.
Two sisters inherit two-thirds in their right,
While brothers and sisters, the male takes twice.
Thus, Allah makes clear His laws to guide,
So you don’t go astray, or in error reside.
For Allah is All-Knowing, His wisdom supreme,
In all matters, He knows, and all is as He decrees.