The Quran in Rhymes: A Poetic Translation: Surah Al-Baqarah

Farhana Akter
46 min readDec 28, 2024



Peace be upon you, the descendants of Adam,

The rhymed translation provided aims to capture the essence and meaning of the Quran but may not be a precise word-for-word English translation.

Readers, feel free to suggest any improvements or corrections.

Surah Al-Baqarah: The Cow

In the sacred text, letters stand alone,
Alif, Lam, and Mim, their meaning unknown.

This is the Book with guidance clear,
No doubt within, for the pious sincere.
Those who fear Allah and love Him true,
Avoiding sin, in all they do.

They believe in the unseen, steadfast and do the right,
Performing prayers with heart’s delight.
From what Allah provide, they give and share,
To the needy, their love and care.

In the Quran and what came before,
They believe with certainty, nothing more.
The Torah and Gospel, they hold in view,
And the Hereafter, their faith is true.

They walk in guidance from their Lord’s light,
Success is theirs, they’re shining bright.

For those who disbelieve, it’s all the same,
Whether warned or not, they reject the claim.

Allah seals their hearts, their ears and sight,
They’re veiled from truth, lost in their plight.

Some among mankind, hypocrites say,
“We believe,” but in truth, they stray.

They try to deceive both Allah and those who trust,
But in reality, their deceit is unjust.

In their hearts, there’s a disease so vile,
Allah increases it, making their torment worthwhile.

When told, “Do not cause mischief,” hypocrites claim,
“Peace-makers, we are,” in their own name.
Indeed, they cause mischief, but cannot see,
Their self-deception is clear to thee.

When asked to believe like the faithful crowd,
They mock, “Shall we be fools in the shroud?”
Yet they are the fools, but fail to see,
Their ignorance is their own decree.

Among believers, they say, “We agree,”
But with devils alone, they mock openly.
Allah mocks them, increasing their wrong,
To wander in error, where they don’t belong.

They’ve traded guidance for error’s price,
Their commerce is vain, not wise.

Their state’s like one who lights a blaze,
When it shines bright, their light decays.

They are deaf, dumb, and blind in their core,
Returning not to the path they ignore.

Or like a storm from the sky’s expanse,
With thunder and lightning that make them dance.
They cover their ears, in fear of death’s sight,
Yet Allah’s power is within His might.

The lightning blinds them with its gleam,
They walk when it lights, stand still in the dream.
If Allah willed, He’d take sight away,
His power is supreme in every way.

O mankind, worship your Lord, the One who made,
You and those before, in His grand parade.
So you may become pious, and in His grace,
Live in righteousness, in His sacred place.

He made earth your resting, the sky your dome,
Sent down rain from above, fruits to roam.
Do not set rivals to Allah in your plea,
For He alone deserves your loyalty.

If in doubt of what’s sent to Muhammad,
Produce a chapter like it, to challenge the spread.
Call your witnesses, if truth you claim,
But if you cannot, fear the fiery flame.

Fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stone,
Prepared for those who disbelieve, alone.

Glad tidings for those who believe and do right,
Gardens where rivers flow, pure delight.
They’ll see fruits they know, with joy and grace,
In Paradise forever, a blissful place.

Allah’s not shy of a parable small or grand,
A mosquito or more, by His command.
Believers see truth, while disbelievers ask why,
He guides or misleads as He’s aware of the sky.

Those who break Allah’s vow, or sever ties,
Do mischief on earth, they lose their prize.

How can you disbelieve in Allah’s might?
He gave you life, then death, then life in sight.
To Him, you will return, from day to night.

He created all on earth for your delight,
Then rose to the heavens, seven in sight.
He knows all things, both dark and light.

When Allah said to angels, “I’ll place mankind here,”
They asked, “Will mischief and bloodshed appear?”
He said, “I know what you don’t, in my divine sphere.”

He taught Adam names, to the angels He showed,
“Tell Me their names,” if your truth is owed.

The angels replied, “We know not but Your decree,
You’re the All-Knower, Wise as can be.”

He said to Adam, “Inform them well,”
When Adam spoke, He proved He knew what befell.

When told to prostrate, they did, save one,
Iblis refused, in pride undone.

“Adam and your wife, in Paradise dwell,
Eat freely but avoid this tree, heed well.
To do otherwise brings wrong and fell.”

Satan made them slip, from their bliss they fell,
Down to earth, where they’d dwell and toil as well.

Adam received words, from his Lord, so kind,
Forgiveness granted, mercy refined.

“Descend from here,” was the divine decree,
Guidance will come, follow it to be free.
No fear or grief for those who follow Me.

But those who disbelieve and deny the signs,
Are destined for Fire, where eternity entwines.

O Children of Israel, recall My favor so grand,
Fulfill your covenant, as you understand.
I’ll keep My promise if you do your part,
Fear none but Me, with a pure heart.

Believe in what I’ve sent, confirming the true,
The Torah and Gospel, from old and new.
Don’t be the first to disbelieve or trade,
My signs for small gain, let not your faith fade.

Mix not truth with falsehood, nor hide the light,
Of Muhammad’s message, clear and right.

Perform the prayers, give Zakat, bow in grace,
With those who submit, in this sacred space.

You preach piety to others, yet neglect it yourself,
While reciting the Scriptures, have you no self?

Seek help in patience and prayer, though hard it may be,
For those who are humble, it sets the spirit free.

They believe they’ll meet their Lord, in His sight,
To Him they return, through day and night.

O Children of Israel, remember the favor Allah gave,
Preferred you in times past, the world to save.

Fear the Day when no one will aid,
Intercession or compensation will not be displayed.

O Children of Israel, recall how Allah freed you from Pharaoh’s hand,
Afflicting you with torment, through the land.

When the sea was parted, a miracle clear,
Pharaoh’s people drowned, you watched in fear.

Musa stayed forty nights, while you turned astray,
Worshipping the calf, wrongs did you display.

Then Allah forgave you, that you might be grateful,
A chance to repent, so your fate be peaceful.

O Children of Israel, remember when Allah gave Musa the Law,
To guide you right, with no flaw.

Musa told his people to repent for their sin,
Worshipping false deities is the greatest sin,

So, turn back to Allah again and let faith begin.

Kill the wrongdoers to make things right,
Your repentance accepted, your future bright.

Truly, Allah is the One who forgives every plea,
The Most Merciful, in His grace we are free.

You asked to see Allah plainly,
Struck by lightning, you were taken faintly.

Then I revived you, so you might thank,
For life restored, on this earthly plank.

Shaded by clouds, with manna and quail,
“Eat of what’s good,” yet the Children of Israel rebelled without fail.

Enter the town, eat and bow in grace,
Ask for forgiveness, increase in favor will take place.

But wrongdoers changed the word Allah had sent,
Punished from above, for their discontent.

Musa struck the stone, twelve springs did flow,
Each tribe knew their place, for water to grow.

Eat and drink from Allah’s endless grace,
But cause no harm nor mischief in this place.

The Children of Israel complained of one food, wanted more to see,
The earth’s produce, but were met with misery.

They asked Musa to call upon his Lord to make the earth provide,
Its herbs, cucumbers, lentils, wheat, onions side by side.

Musa replied to them, “Would you trade what’s higher for what’s low?
Go down to any town, and there you may go.”
But shame and misery then covered them all,
They earned Allah’s Wrath for ignoring His call.
For they denied His signs, the prophets they slew,
Transgressing and disobeying, His bounds they outgrew.

Believers of all kinds, righteous and true,
Will find their reward, with no fear in view.
Jews, Christians, Sabians in faith,
Will be granted grace, on that heavenly path.

Remember when We took your vow so grand,
And raised the Mount above you, a divine command.
“Hold fast to the Book and its teachings true,
So you may be pious, and righteousness pursue.”

Yet you turned away, lost from the right path,
Had it not been for Allah’s mercy, you’d face wrath.

Among you were those who broke the Sabbath’s test,
Allah commanded, “Be apes, despised and rejected.”

This punishment became a lesson clear,
For generations to come, a warning sincere.

Musa told you, “Slaughter a cow,”
They questioned and mocked, how dare you disavow?

The Children of Israel said, “Call upon your Lord, so we may understand,
Make clear to us what cow is in His command!”
Musa said, “Allah says, it’s neither old nor young,
But between the two, where its strength has sprung.
Now fulfill His word, and do as you’re told,
For in His command, the truth will unfold.”


They said, “Call upon your Lord to clarify its hue.”
He replied, “Allah says, ‘It’s a yellow cow, bright and true,
Pleasing in color, a sight to behold,
A radiant treasure, as the truth unfolds.’”


They said, “Call upon your Lord to make it clear,
For all cows seem alike, it’s hard to steer.
And surely, if Allah wills, we’ll find the way,
Guide us to the truth, we earnestly pray.”

Musa said, “Allah says, ‘It’s a cow neither used for soil nor for watering yields,
Sound and whole, bright yellow, with no other fields.’”
They said, “Now you’ve brought the truth to light.”
So they slaughtered it, though reluctant to the right.

They killed a man, disputes did ensue,
Allah revealed what they were hiding from view.

Strike the dead with a piece of the cow’s flesh,
The dead revived to show signs fresh.

O Children of Israel,

Your hearts grew hard, worse than stone’s plight,
Even stones can fear Allah’s might.

And Allah is not unaware of all that you do,
He sees every action, both false and true.

Do you wish that they would believe in your faith,
When some of them twist words, as if in wraith?

A party among them heard the Word of Allah’s decree,
Yet knowingly altered it after they’d see.
They changed the message, despite understanding well,
Distorting the truth, in their hearts did dwell.

And when they meet the faithful, they say, “We believe,”
But in secret, they question, their truth they deceive:
“Will you tell them what Allah to you has revealed,
Of Muhammad’s signs in the Torah concealed?
So they argue with you before God’s great throne.”
Have you (Jews) no sense, or wisdom of your own?

Do they not know Allah sees all things,
What they hide and reveal, the truth He brings?

Among them are those unlettered and blind,
Trusting false hopes, with guesses unkind.

Woe to those who write the book with their own hand,
Then say it’s from Allah, to mislead and demand.

Woe to them for what their hands have penned,
And woe for the gain they seek in the end.

They say the Fire will not touch them long,
Say, “Have you a covenant from Allah so strong?”

Or do you speak of Allah without knowing what’s true?
Do you claim of His words what He never gave you?

Evil-doers will dwell in Fire’s embrace,
While the righteous find Paradise and grace.

We took a covenant from you, to worship Me alone,
Be good to kin, orphans, and the poor’s tone.
Speak kindly, pray, and give Zakat’s due,
Yet many turned back, leaving just a few.

You killed each other, drove some away,
Ransomed captives, against what you should obey.

Then you turn and kill each other, expelling kin from home,
Joining hands with enemies in sin where they roam.

Do you believe in part and reject the rest?
What is the fate for those who fail this test?
Disgrace in this life, in the next they’ll face
The grievous torment, with no saving grace.
And Allah is aware of all you do,
No deed escapes His watchful view.

Those who buy this world at the cost of the next,
Face disgrace and torment, their fate perplexed.

Musa was given the Book, with prophets to follow,
Iesa with clear signs, supported with the spirit’s hollow.

Is it that when a Messenger came with truth you did not desire,
You grew in arrogance, setting hearts on fire?
Some you disbelieved, rejecting their call,
And some you killed, ignoring it all.

And they say, “Our hearts are wrapped (and closed indeed),”
But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief and creed.
For their faith is little, their hearts astray,
Rejecting the truth, they turn away.

And when to them a Book from Allah was shown,
Confirming the truth they already had known,
Though once they prayed for the Prophet to arise,
To triumph over those they did despise,
But when came what they had recognized clear,
In disbelief, they turned, rejecting in fear.
So let Allah’s curse on the disbelievers fall,
For denying the truth meant for them all.

How terrible the price for which they’ve sold their souls,
Rejecting what Allah in His wisdom controls,
Grudging that His grace on others would descend,
To whom He wills, His mercy without end.
Thus, wrath upon wrath they’ve drawn near,
And for disbelievers, disgrace is clear.

2: 91

When it is said, “Believe in what Allah sent anew,”
They say, “We believe in what to us once came through.”
Yet they disbelieve in what followed with might,
Though it confirms what they knew to be right.
Say, if you truly believe,
Why then did you kill the Prophets, causing them to grieve?

Musa showed proof, yet you turned away,
Worshipped the calf, your faith did decay.

And remember the covenant We made with you,
As We raised the Mount above, in view,
Order them to hold firmly to what We have given and hear,
But they said, “We have heard, yet we disobeyed (clear).”

Their hearts were filled with the calf they adored,
Because of disbelief, they strayed from the Lord.
Say, how terrible is what your faith has shown,
If you truly believe, as you have known.

Say to them: “If the Hereafter’s home with Allah is truly yours alone,
And not for others of mankind, as you have shown,
Then long for death, if you speak the truth you claim,
If you are truthful, as you proclaim.”

They will not long for death, their deeds do show,
Allah knows the wrongs, and what they sow.

And surely, you’ll find them the greediest for life,
Even more than those who worship idols in strife.
Each one desires a thousand years to remain,
But such a life won’t save him from Allah’s reign.
For even with time, they can’t escape what’s true,
And Allah sees all in everything they do.

Say, O Muhammad: “Whoever hates Jibrael in spite,
Let him die in his fury, for he brought this light.
He brought down the Qur’an to your heart with Allah’s Will,
Confirming what came before, the truth fulfilled.
A guidance and glad tidings for the faithful, it’s clear,
For those who believe, its wisdom draws near.”

Those who oppose Allah’s angels and messengers,
Find Allah as their enemy, with dire measures.


We’ve sent down clear Ayat for you to see,
To reveal the Jews’ intent, their rebellious decree.
Those who rebel, in truth they don’t believe,
Rejecting these signs, they only deceive.


Is it not that whenever a covenant they make,
Some among them cast it aside and break?
Nay! The truth is, most of them do not believe,
Turning from faith, they only deceive.


When a Messenger from Allah to them was sent,
Confirming the truth in what to them was lent,
A Messenger from Allah, confirming what they knew,
Yet a party cast the Book aside, like it wasn’t true.


They followed devils’ magic in Solomon’s time,
But Solomon did not disbelieve, that’s a crime.
Devils taught men magic, from Babylon it came,
Harut and Marut warned them not to bring this shame.

They cause division between man and wife,
But only with Allah’s leave can they bring such strife.
They gain no benefit, their knowledge is pain,
For in the Hereafter, no share will remain.


Had they believed and guarded from sin,
And kept their duty to Allah within,
Far better the reward from their Lord would be,
If only they knew, how great it could be!


O you who believe, say not “Ra’ina” in your plea,
But say “Unzurna” instead, so we may understand clearly.
And listen well, for the truth is near,
For disbelievers, a painful torment is here.


No good from Allah do they wish to see,
The disbelievers of scripture, or polytheists be.
Allah’s Mercy He grants as He decides,
And in His bounty, He abides.


A verse We abrogate, or make you forget,
A better or similar one, you’ll not regret.
Do you not know Allah’s power and might,
Able to do all, to make things right?


Allah’s dominion is the heavens and earth’s domain,
No protector besides Him, no helper to claim.

2: 108
Or do you wish to question your Messenger as before,
As Moses was asked, “Show us our Lord, we implore?”
Whoever trades faith for disbelief’s sway,
Has surely strayed far from the right way.


Many wish to turn you from belief to strife,
Envy and falsehood in their life.
Forgive them, overlook till Allah’s decree,
For He can do all, and His wisdom is key.

2: 110

Perform As-Salat, give Zakat with care,
Good deeds you send forth, with Allah they’ll be there.
He sees all actions, nothing escapes His sight,
For those who believe, their path is right.


They claim no one enters Paradise, but their own kind,
Jews or Christians, they say with their mind.
Say, “Bring your proof if you’re truly right,”
For truth in faith is not a mere sight.


Whoever submits his face to Allah’s decree,
Embracing the path of monotheism faithfully,
A Muhsin he becomes, in good deeds sincere,
Performing for Allah, with no show-off, pride, or fear.
His reward lies with his Lord, pure and true,
No fear shall touch them, nor grief shall ensue.


The Jews claim Christians are astray,
The Christians say Jews follow the wrong way.
Both recite Scripture, but judgment will fall,
Allah will judge on the final Day for all.


Who is more unjust than those who deny,
Allah’s name in His mosques, they defy.
They’ll find disgrace and torment in the end,
For their actions, their souls won’t mend.


The east and west belong to Allah alone,
Wherever you turn, His face is shown.
He is sufficient, all-knowing and wise,
He sees all things with His unerring eyes.


They say Allah has a son, which is not true,
Glory to Him, all things He renews.
Everything in the heavens and earth obeys,
To Allah alone, we offer our praise.


The Originator of the sky and the land,
When He decrees a matter, it’s by His command.
He simply says to it, “Be!” and it’s so,
In an instant, it happens, as His will does flow.


Those without knowledge ask for signs to see,
Just as others did before, in similar plea.
Hearts are alike, signs are clear and true,
For believers, the truth will come through.


We’ve sent you (O Muhammad) with truth and light to share,
A bringer of glad tidings and a warning to bear.
You won’t be asked about those in the blaze,
Your role is to guide, not to appraise.


Jews and Christians won’t be pleased till you stray,
Follow their faith, they wish you’d dismay.
Allah’s Guidance is the only true path,
Follow not their desires, or face Allah’s wrath.

No protector will stand, nor a helper in sight,
For straying from truth leads you further from light.


Those who follow the Book in earnest and true,
Are the ones who believe and pursue.
Disbelievers in it are lost and forlorn,
The losers are they who have scorned.


Children of Israel, remember the grace bestowed,
Preferred above others, as the blessings flowed.
Fear the Day when no one can help or redeem,
No intercession or aid will deem.


When Ibrahim was tried with commands to bear,
He was made a leader, a prophet with care.
He asked for his offspring to lead with grace,
But Allah’s Covenant excludes the wrongdoer’s place.


We made the Ka’bah a sanctuary for all,
A safe haven where people can call.
We told Ibrahim and Isma’il, too,
“Keep Allah’s House pure for all who come to view,
For those who circle, stay, worship, bow, and pray,
In prostration here, day after day.”


Ibrahim prayed for Makkah to be secure and blessed,
For those who believe, in faith they’ll be blessed.
Disbelievers left to face torment in the end,
A fate worst indeed, a message to send.


Ibrahim and Isma’il built the Ka’bah with care,
Praying, “Accept our service, O Allah, fair.
Make us submissive, our descendants too,
Guide us in rites, accept our repentance due.

Indeed, You are the One who hears our plea,
The Most Merciful, in whom we seek mercy.”

Send a Messenger to guide and teach,
To recite Your Verses, wisdom within reach.
Sanctify them, You’re Mighty and Wise,
In Your guidance, we find the prize.”


Who turns from Ibrahim’s way, deceives their soul,
Chosen in this world, and righteous in the final goal.
Submit to the Lord, as Ibrahim did declare,
In submission, the faithful find their share.


When his Lord said, “Submit to Me,”
Ibrahim answered, “To the Lord of all, I submit willingly.”


And this command Ibrahim gave to his sons, and Ya’qub did too,
“O my sons, Allah chose this faith for you.
So do not leave this life, but firm remain,
In Islam, the true faith, until death you sustain.”


Or were you there when death drew near to Ya’qub’s side?
He asked his sons, “What will you worship after I have died?”
They said, “We worship your God, the One, Allah alone,
The God of your fathers — Isma’il, Ibrahim, and Ishaque known.
One true God, to Him we all submit,
In Islam we stand, our faith firmly lit.”


That was a people who have come and gone,
For their deeds, the rewards are their own,
You will be judged for what you create,
And their past actions will not determine your fate.


And they claim, “Be Jews or Christians to find your way.”
Say, “No, we follow the faith of Ibrahim today.
He was a true believer, worshiping Allah alone,
And he was not among those who other gods had known.”


Say, “We believe in Allah and all that’s revealed to us,
And in what was sent to Ibrahim, Isma’il, and Ishaque, we trust.
To Ya’qub and the twelve sons, Al-Asbat, we adhere,
And to Musa and ‘Iesa, the Prophets we hold dear.
We see no difference among any of them, it’s clear,
To Him alone, in submission, we draw near.


If they believe as you do, then they’re rightly guided on the way,
But if they turn away, they stand in opposition today.
Allah will protect you from their stance and scheme,
For He hears all and knows every dream.


Our faith is the faith of Allah, pure and true,
What other religion could be better than His view?
We are His devoted servants, in worship we stand,
Embracing the path that He has planned.


Say to the Jews and Christians, “Do you argue with us about Allah,
He’s our Lord and yours — His guidance we all saw?
We’ll be rewarded for our deeds, you for yours too,
In sincere worship and obedience, our hearts stay true.”


Do you claim that Ibrahim, Isma’il, Ishaque, and Ya’qub,
And the twelve sons of Jacob were Jews or Christians in their cub?
Say, “Do you know better, or does Allah hold the truth?
Who is more unjust than one who hides the proof?
He knows what you conceal, the testimony you deny,
For Allah is aware of all, He sees from on high.”


A nation has passed, now gone from the way,
Their deeds are their own, their reward or their pay.
What you earn is for you, in your own hands it lies,
You won’t be questioned for their deeds or their ties.


The fools will say, with wonder in their view,
“What changed their Qiblah from what once they knew?”
Say, “East and west belong to Allah’s sway,
He guides whom He wills to the Straight Way.”


Thus We made you, believers, the best of the land,
A just, balanced nation, to witness all man.
The Prophet bears witness for you, it’s true,
And you for the world in what you say and do.
The Qiblah you faced was a test, a divide,
To see who would stay and who would turn aside.
It was hard, a burden for hearts to bear,
Except for those whom Allah would spare.
But Allah won’t let your faith go in vain,
For He is the Kind, with Mercy so plain.


Indeed, We saw your face turn to the sky,
So now to a Qiblah that pleases, draw nigh.
Turn your face to Al-Haram, where it stands,
And wherever you are, face this land.
Those given the Scriptures know well it’s true,
That this change is from the Lord, clear in view.
And Allah’s not unaware, He sees all they do.


Even if you show the People of the Book every sign,
They won’t follow your Qiblah, nor you’ll follow theirs in line.
And they won’t follow each other’s way,
Each Qiblah is different in how they pray.
If you follow their whims after knowledge so clear,
Then you’ll be among the wrongdoers, it’s feared.


Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him well,
Like they know their own sons, as clear as they tell.
Yet some of them hide the truth that they see,
Though they know it’s written in the Taurat and Injeel clearly.


This is the truth from your Lord, without a doubt,
So be not among those who live in doubt.


For every nation, there’s a way they face to pray,
So hasten to all that is good in your day.
Wherever you are, Allah will gather you near,
On the Day of Resurrection, all will appear.
Truly, Allah can do all things with ease,
His power is boundless, and none can decrease.


Wherever you start, for prayers you stand,
Turn your face toward Al-Haram’s land.
This is the truth from your Lord so clear,
And Allah knows well all that you do here.


Wherever you start for prayers, be clear,

Turn to Al-Haram, no matter where near.

Wherever you are, let your faces be bound,

So, none may dispute, nor argue around.

Except for wrongdoers, but fear them not,

Fear only Allah, for He is your lot.

That Allah may complete His blessings on you,

And guide you rightly in all that you do.


In blessings upon you, Allah has sent from your own,
A Messenger reciting the Words that are known,
He purifies you and teaches the way,
The Book and the wisdom, to guide and obey,
Revealing the knowledge you never could see,
Granting you truths from which you are free.


So, remember Allah, and He’ll remember you,
Be thankful to Him for all that He do,
And never forget the favors He gave,
With gratitude in the way that you live.


O you who believe, seek help and rely,
On patience and prayer, lift your hearts high,
Truly, with those who endure and stay strong,
Allah is with the patient ones, their faith ever long.


And say not of those who in Allah’s way died,
“They are dead,” for in truth they are still alive,
Though you perceive not, they continue to be,
In a life beyond sight, for eternity free.


And surely, We’ll test you with fear and with need,
With hunger and loss, and the fruits that you plead,
But give glad tidings to those who are strong,
To the patient ones who in faith still belong.


Who, when faced with calamity, say with grace,
“To Allah we belong; to Him we embrace,
For truly, to Him we will all one day go,
In faith and in patience, His mercy we know.”


They are the ones blessed with Allah’s grace,
With mercy from Him in this sacred place,
Forgiven and guided, they walk in His light,
In the arms of His love, they shine ever bright.


Indeed! As-Safa and Al-Marwah stand tall,
Symbols of Allah, for one and for all.
No sin in the Tawaf for those who obey,
In Hajj or in ‘Umrah, they find their way.
And whoever does good with a heart that is true,
Allah sees all, and He knows what you do.


Indeed, those who hide the clear signs we send,
The guidance laid out for all to comprehend,
In the Book, made so plain for the people to see,
They are cursed by Allah, and cursed shall they be.


Except for those who turn back and do right,
And openly share the truth brought to light.
To them, Allah’ll accept their repentance sincere,
For He is the One Who shows mercy and care.


Indeed, those who disbelieve and die in such a state,
On them is Allah’s curse, and angels’ wrath is great,
And all of humankind will curse them as they go,
For in disbelief, they left the world below.


They’ll dwell forever in that cursed place of pain,
Their torment won’t ease up, nor will they respite gain,
No mercy will be shown, no lessening of their plight,
No chance of any break, no hope of seeing light.


Your God is One, the only true, none else deserves the call,
None has the right to worship, but He who made us all,
The Most Beneficent, whose mercy knows no bound,
The Most Compassionate, in Him all grace is found.


Indeed, in the heavens’ and earth’s creation wide,
In the shift of night and day, and the ships that glide,
Through seas that serve mankind with all their need,
And in the rain sent down to make the earth proceed,
From lifelessness to bloom with creatures spread around,
And in the winds that blow and clouds that hang unbound,
Are signs for those who think, proofs clear and grand,
For people of true understanding, His works are planned.


Among mankind are those who take, for worship, more than One,
They love them like they love Allah, but wrong is what they’ve done.
Yet those who believe love Allah far more deep,
If only the wrongdoers knew what they’ll reap —
When they see the torment, they’d understand the might,
That all power is with Allah, whose punishment is tight.


When those who were followed disown their loyal band,
And claim no ties to those who took their stand,
They’ll see the torment, and all bonds will break,
All ties between them will sever for their sake.


Those who followed will say, “If we could just go back once more,
We’d disown them now, as they’ve disowned us before.”
Thus, Allah will show their deeds filled with regret,
Yet from the Fire, they’ll find no escape or reset.


O mankind! Partake of what is lawful and good from the ground,
And do not tread the path where Shaitan can be found.
For surely, he is to you a foe that’s clear and bold,
His schemes are set against you, let not his lies unfold.


Shaitan commands you only to embrace what’s vile and wrong,
And to speak against Allah with words that don’t belong.
He leads you toward evil and sinful paths of dread,
Beware his whispers, for they’ll lead your heart to spread.


When told to follow what Allah has revealed with care,
They reply, “No! We’ll stick to what our fathers declare.”
(Will they persist in this way?) Though their fathers were blind,
Without understanding, lost, with no true path aligned.


The disbelievers are like one who cries,
To a flock that hears nothing but calls and sighs.
Deaf, dumb, and blind, they cannot see,
So they fail to grasp the truth or decree.


O you who believe in Allah, the One,
Eat what is lawful from what We have done.
Be grateful to Allah for all He’s bestowed,
If it’s Him you worship, let gratitude be showed.


He forbids you only the dead, and blood too,

And the flesh of swine, and what’s offered to idols untrue.

But if you’re forced by necessity without willful disobedience or pride,

Then no sin is on you, for mercy does guide.

Allah is forgiving, His mercy profound,

In His boundless compassion, relief can be found.


Indeed, those who hide what Allah has sent from the Book,
And trade it for worldly gain with just a crooked look,
They fill their bellies with nothing but flame,
On the Day of Judgment, Allah won’t speak their name.
No purification, no mercy they’ll find,
For them awaits torment, severe and unkind.


This is because Allah sent down the Book in truth so clear,
But those who dispute it are far, in opposition severe.
They turn away from what’s just and right,
And wander in darkness, rejecting the light.


This is because Allah sent down the Book in truth,
And those who dispute it wander far from the proof.
In their opposition, they stray from what’s right,
Turning away from guidance, lost in the night.


Piety is not in facing east or west in prayer,
But in belief in Allah, and in deeds that are fair.
In the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and the prophets’ call,
And giving in charity, though you may love your wealth most of all.

To kinsfolk, the orphaned, the poor on their way,
To the traveler, the needy, to free slaves from dismay.
Establishing prayer and giving Zakat, sincere,
Fulfilling their promises and standing firm without fear.

In hardship and struggle, with patience they stay,
These are the truthful, the pious who follow the way


O you who believe, Al-Qisas is your decree,
In cases of murder, justice must be.
The free for the free, the slave for the slave,
And the female for the female, the law must be brave.

But if the killer’s kin choose to forgive,
Accepting blood money, allowing him to live,
Then fairness must guide both the payment and deed,
This is mercy from your Lord, a compassionate lead.

But whoever exceeds this limit and strays,
By killing again, in torment he lays.


There’s life for you in justice’s fair decree,
O people of wisdom, so pious you may be.

2: 180

When death draws near and wealth is left behind,
A bequest to parents and kin should be defined,
In a manner that’s fair and reasonable too,
This is a duty for the pious, to honor what’s true.

2: 181

Whoever alters the will after it’s made clear,
The sin is on them who change it, sincere.
For Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing indeed,
He sees and hears every action and deed.

2: 182

Yet if one fears unfairness or wrong in the will,
And strives for peace between them with good intent still,

No sin shall fall on him who aims to make amends,
For Allah forgives, His mercy never ends.

2: 183

O you who believe! Fasting is decreed for you,
As it was for those before, in faith steadfast and true,
So that you may grow in piety and light,
And walk the path of righteousness, with hearts upright.

2: 184

[Fasting is for] a set number of days, but if you’re ill or away,
Then make it up on other days, when you’re able to stay.
And for those who find fasting difficult and hard to bear,
Feeding the needy is allowed, as a way to care.
But whoever gives more from kindness, it brings greater gain,
And fasting is better for you, if you truly see its plain.

2: 185

The month of Ramadan, in which the Qur’an was sent down,
A guide for all people, with proofs so clear, renowned.
Whoever sees the crescent of the month in sight,
Must observe the fasts of Ramadan, a sacred rite.

But if one is ill or travels far away,
Make up the fasts on another day.
Allah seeks ease for you, not hardship or strain,
Complete the days, His greatness proclaim,
So you may thank Him for the guidance He gave,
And be grateful to Him, Who forgives and saves.

2: 186

When Allah’s servants seek you, O Muhammad, for His call,
Tell them Allah is near, with knowledge encompassing all.

He answers the prayers of those who call with their heart,
So let them heed and trust in Allah, for I guide every part.

2: 187

It is lawful for you to be with your wives on the night of fasting,
They are your garments, and you are theirs, in joy everlasting.
Allah knows you once deceived yourselves in the past,
But He turned to you in mercy, forgiving at last.
So be with them, seek the blessings He has designed,
Eat and drink until dawn’s light is clearly defined.
Complete your fast till the sun sets in its course,
And refrain from intimacy while in I’tikaf, of course.
These are Allah’s limits, approach them not in haste,
He clarifies His signs for all, so in piety, be placed.

2: 188

Do not consume each other’s wealth through wrongful means,
Nor offer bribes to rulers to fulfill your schemes.

For in such deceit, you take what isn’t your due,
Eating from others’ wealth, a sin you must rue.

2: 189

They ask you, O Muhammad, about the new moons’ light,
Say they mark time for people and the pilgrimage rite.
It’s not true piety to enter homes from behind,
But the truly righteous are those with Allah in mind.
So enter homes through their doors, with respect and care,
And fear Allah, for success will follow those who dare.

2: 190

And fight in Allah’s cause against those who oppose,
But do not overstep the bounds, as true wisdom shows.

Truly, Allah does not love those who cross the line,
So act with integrity, and let your purpose shine.

2: 191

Slay them wherever they may be found,
Drive them out from your sacred ground.
For persecution is worse than the sword,
But in the holy place, don’t strike a chord —

Unless they strike, then fight them there,
For those in disbelief, this is their share.
Such is the fate for those who stray,
In disbelief, they’ve lost their way.

2: 192

But if they stop, then mercy is due,
For Allah forgives, and is kind too.

2: 193

Fight them on till there’s no more strife,
And worship belongs to Allah in life.
But if they cease, then let peace remain,
Except with the wrongdoers who still cause pain.

2: 194

The sacred month is for the sacred time,
For what’s forbidden, justice must chime.
If they transgress, then do the same,
But fear Allah, and guard His name.
Know that Allah is with the pious and true,
In all that you think and in all that you do.

2: 195

Spend in Allah’s cause, in all that you strive,
And don’t bring ruin to your life.
Do what is good, in all that you do,
For Allah loves those who are good-doers and true.

2: 196

Perform the Hajj and ‘Umrah right,
For Allah’s sake, with all your might.
If something stops you on your way,
Then offer an animal what sacrifice you can pay.
Don’t shave your head ’til the sacrifice is done,
Unless you’re ill and need relief from one.
Then fast, give charity, or sacrifice instead,
To make amends for shaving your head.
If Umrah comes before the Hajj, prepare,
Another sacrifice must be made with care.
If he can’t afford it, then let him fast,
Three days in Hajj, seven days after, to last,
In total, ten days, a path to fulfill,
A means to express his devotion and will.
For those not near the Sacred House, this applies,
And fear Allah, who knows all lies.
His punishment is severe and just,
So hold His fear and keep your trust.

2: 197

Hajj occurs in the months that are well-known,
In the tenth, eleventh, and the first ten days of the twelfth (month) shown.

Whoever plans to don the Ihram’s attire,
Should refrain from relations and keep thoughts pure.
No sins, no disputes, while in Hajj’s embrace,
For all good you do, Allah knows every trace.
Prepare for the journey, provisions you’ll need,
But the best of provisions is piety indeed.
So fear Allah, you wise ones, take heed,
In righteousness and faith, let your hearts lead.

2: 198

No sin upon you if you seek your Lord’s gain,
Through work during pilgrimage’s reign.
When you depart from ‘Arafat, remember Him there,
At Mash’ar-il-Haram, offer your prayer.
Recall His guidance, for you once were astray,
Now invoke Him for blessings in all that you say.

2: 199

Then leave from the spot where the crowd makes their way,
And seek Allah’s forgiveness as you humbly pray.
For Allah is Forgiving, merciful and kind,
Embrace His grace and peace, with a sincere mind.

2: 200

Once you’ve fulfilled your rites as prescribed,
Stay at ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, and Mina, and as described.

Don’t forget Ramy of Jamarat’s stony throw,
And the slaughtering of Hady as part of the flow.

Remember Allah, more than your forebears’ name,
With deeper devotion, invoke His great fame.
Yet some of mankind, in their worldly demand,
“Lord, grant us Your blessings, fulfill our need!”

For them, in the Hereafter, no share will be found,
Their focus on this life keeps them tightly bound.

2: 201
Pray for goodness here and beyond,
From Hell’s torment, Allah will respond.

2: 202
For those who seek, they’ll get their share,
Allah’s reckoning is swift and fair.

2: 203
Remember Allah in days appointed and true,
No sin if you leave early or stay, with good aim in view.

If his goal is to do right and follow God’s way,
Fear Him, for to Him, you’ll return one day.

2: 204

Among the people, there’s one whose words seem fair,
He calls on God as witness to what’s there,
But in his heart, deceit and strife are sown,
He’s the most quarrelsome, and it’s clearly shown.

2: 205

When he turns from Allah, his aim becomes clear,
To spread corruption and harm far and near.
He ruins the crops and the cattle as well,
But Allah dislikes those who cause chaos to dwell.

2: 206

When he’s told, “Fear Allah,” his pride takes control,
Leading him deeper into sin’s dark hole.
For him, Hell awaits, a fitting end indeed,
The worst of places for such arrogance to feed.

2: 207

Among mankind, there are those who give their all,
Seeking God’s pleasure, answering His call.
And Allah is kind to His servants so true,
With mercy and grace in all that they do.

2: 208

O you who believe, embrace Islam fully and true,
Obey its commands in all that you do.
Do not follow the steps of Satan’s deceit,
For he’s a clear enemy you must defeat.

2: 209

If you turn away after the truth is in sight,
The Prophet and Qur’an showing what is right,
Know that Allah is Mighty and Wise,
His power and wisdom no one denies.

2: 210

Are they waiting for Allah to descend from the sky,
With angels in clouds, drawing judgment nigh?
By then, the matter will already be done,
For all decisions return to Allah, the One.

2: 211

Ask the Children of Israel how many signs we sent their way, Clear proofs and lessons to guide them in the right display.

And whoever changes Allah’s grace once it’s in their view,
Rejects His light for disbelief, forsakes what’s pure and true,
Then know that Allah’s wrath is strong, His judgment swift and clear,
For those who turn away from faith, His punishment is near.

2: 212

The worldly life is beautified for those who disbelieve,
They mock the faithful, for they cannot perceive.
But those who follow Allah’s path, in His light they thrive,
On Resurrection’s Day, above the rest they’ll rise.
And Allah’s boundless gifts will flow to whom He wills,
With endless bounty, His promise He fulfills.

2: 213

Mankind was once one nation, united in their way,
Then Allah sent the Prophets with glad news and a warning to relay.
With truth He sent the Scripture, to judge and show what’s fair,
In matters where they differed, His guidance would be there.

But those who had the Scripture turned and differed still,
Out of envy and hatred, they denied Allah’s will.
Yet Allah guided those who believed to truth and light,
For He leads whom He wills to the path that is straight and right.

2: 214

Or do you think that Paradise is gained with ease and grace,
Without the trials that others faced, those gone before your place?
They suffered hardship, poverty, and wounds that left them weak,
So shaken that the faithful ones and Messengers too would speak:
“When will the help of Allah come?” they cried in their despair,
Indeed, Allah’s help is near — His mercy always there!

2: 215

They ask you, O Muhammad, what to give and spend each day,
Say: “Give to parents, kin, orphans, the poor along your way.
To those in need, and travelers far, your kindness you should show,
And every deed of good you do, Allah will surely know.”

2: 216

Jihad is prescribed for you, though it may not feel just right,
You might dislike what’s good for you, while favoring the slight.
For Allah knows the hidden truth, while you may be unsure,
What seems unfit may hold the key to blessings, strong and pure.

2: 217

They ask you about fighting in the Sacred Months, it’s true,
Say, “Fighting there is a great sin, but greater is what they do.
To turn folks from Allah’s path, to disbelieve and stray,
To block access to Al-Masjid and drive its folks away.
Al-Fitnah is worse than killing, and they will not cease to fight,
Until they turn you from your faith, if they can lead you from the right.

Whoever turns from their religion and dies in disbelief,
Their deeds will fade in this life and in the Hereafter’s grief.
They’ll dwell within the Fire, forever there to stay,
For turning from the truth, they’ll face the price they pay.”

2: 218

Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated for Allah’s sake,
And strive with all their hearts in His path, their hopes awake.
They seek Allah’s boundless mercy, in His grace they find their place,
For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, filled with compassion and embrace.

2: 219

They ask you, O Muhammad, concerning alcoholic drink and gambling.
Say: “In them is a great sin, though some benefit may be a rambling.

Yet the sin outweighs the good they bring, that’s the truth I share,
So heed this guidance, for the harm is far more than the rare.”
And they inquire what to spend; say: “Beyond your needs, give freely.”
Thus Allah clarifies His laws for you to ponder deeply.”

2: 220

In this worldly life and in the Hereafter, they seek your guide,
And they ask you about orphans; say: “In their care, be dignified.
The best thing is to work with honesty in what they own,
If you mix your matters with theirs, consider them your own.
And Allah knows who means mischief, intent to take what’s theirs,
From those who seek to do them good, with genuine cares.
If Allah had wished, He could have made things hard to bear,
Truly, Allah is All-Mighty, in wisdom beyond compare.”

2: 221

Do not marry the Mushrikat (idolatresses) until they believe,
For a believing slave woman is better, though she may not seem to please.
And do not give your daughters in marriage to the Mushrikun,
Until they believe in Allah, for the truth will come soon.
A believing slave is better than a free Mushrik, even if he charms,
For those who disbelieve invite you to the Fire’s harms.
But Allah invites you to Paradise, to forgiveness and light,
By His permission, He makes His signs clear and bright,
So mankind may remember and choose what’s truly right.

2: 222

They ask you about menstruation. Say: “It is an Adha (a harmful matter),
So keep away from women during this time, and don’t go near to scatter.
Until they have purified and cleansed from their menses’ flow,
Then approach them as Allah has ordained for you to go.”
For truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him in repentance true,
And those who purify themselves in all that they pursue.

2: 223

Your wives are a tilth for you, so approach your tilth as you desire,
In any way you wish, but only in what Allah does require.
Send forth good deeds, and pray for pious offspring, too,
And fear Allah, knowing you’ll meet Him when your life is through.
Give good tidings, O Muhammad, to the faithful who believe,
For in their devotion and obedience, Allah’s mercy they will receive.

2: 224

And do not use Allah’s name in your oaths as an excuse,
To avoid doing good, acting with piety, or bringing peace to diffuse.
For Allah hears all and knows what’s in every heart and deed,
If you’ve sworn against good, expiate the oath and proceed.

2: 225

Allah will not hold you to account for unintentional slips in your oaths,
But He will call you to account for what your hearts have truly chose.
And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Forbearing and kind,
In His mercy and patience, the truest peace you’ll find.

2: 226

Those who take an oath to abstain from sexual relations with their wives,
Must wait for four months before deciding their lives.
If they return within this time, Allah is Oft-Forgiving and kind,
Most Merciful, granting peace of heart and mind.

2: 227

And if they choose divorce after the waiting time is through,
Then Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower of what they do.

2: 228

Divorced women shall wait for three menstrual cycles to pass,
And they must not conceal what Allah has placed within their grasp.
If they believe in Allah and the Last Day, truth they should declare,
And their husbands have the right to take them back if reconciliation is there.
Women have rights over their husbands, just as men do over them,
In fairness and respect, as what’s reasonable Allah does condemn.
Yet men have a degree of responsibility in care and lead,
And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise, fulfilling every need.

2: 229

Divorce is allowed twice, and after that you must decide,
Either retain her with fairness or release her with kindness as your guide.
It is not lawful to take back the Mahr that you gave,
Unless both fear they can’t keep the limits Allah made.
If you fear that they cannot maintain the limits Allah has decreed,
Then there is no sin on either of them, if she gives back what agreed.

These are the limits Allah has ordained, so don’t go beyond His way,
Whoever transgresses these limits, wrongdoers they shall stay.

2: 230

If he divorces her the third time, she is not lawful to him anymore,
Until she marries another husband, that’s the rule to explore.
If the other husband then divorces her, it’s no sin for them to reunite,
As long as they believe they can keep Allah’s limits right.
These are the limits set by Allah, made clear for those who know,
For wisdom and guidance are given to help their faith grow.

2: 231

When you part from women, and their waiting time is through,
Take them back with fairness or let them go anew.
Do not reclaim them to harm or take gain,
For such actions wound one’s soul in pain.
Do not treat Allah’s Signs as a jest;
Recall His blessings, His wisdom manifest.
The Book was sent down to guide you right;
Fear Allah, who sees all in His sight.

2: 232

When you part from women and their waiting time is done,
Do not block their marriage if they choose the former one.
This is for all who in Allah believe,
And in the Last Day, true faith receive.
This path brings virtue, purity, and grace,
For Allah knows all — beyond your embrace.

2: 233

Mothers nurse for two years, as long as they choose,
Fathers must provide for them, no abuse.
No burden’s too heavy, Allah knows your plight,
Foster care’s allowed, if agreed in right.
But fear Allah in what you choose to do,
For Allah sees all, knows best what’s true.

2: 234

If one of you passes and leaves a wife,
Let her wait four months and ten days in her life.
When their term is complete, let them choose their way,
There’s no blame on you if they act justly each day.
For Allah knows well all you do and see,
And He is aware of what’s meant to be.

2: 235

No blame on you if an offer you make,
Or keep in your hearts for a future stake.
Allah knows well what you cherish inside,
But let no secret bond with them reside.
Wait for the term that’s prescribed and fair,
And know Allah sees what lies deep there.
So take heed of Him, and always be aware,
For Allah is forgiving, patient, and fair.

2: 236

If you choose to divorce before the vows are made,
No blame will fall if the dower’s not paid.

If you divorce before touching or Mahr’s set,
A gift’s a must, suited to what you can get.
But give them a gift that’s suitable and kind,
The wealthy by his means, the poor by what he finds.
A reasonable gift from those who pursue,
The path of what’s right and uphold what is true.

2: 237

If divorced before intimacy and Mahr is due,
Half of it must be paid, unless they choose to undo.
Forgiving the man’s share brings you closer to grace,
To piety and kindness in every embrace.
And do not forget to be generous and true,
For Allah sees all that you hold in your view.

2: 238

Guard your prayers, especially the middle one with care,
Stand in obedience to Allah, with sincerity in your prayer.

2: 239

If you fear an enemy, pray while on your feet,
Or riding in a way that feels most complete.
But when you find security, give Allah your praise,
In the manner He taught you, in thankful ways.

2: 240

Those who pass and leave widows behind,
Should grant them a year of support, well-defined.
But if they depart, you hold no blame,
For their choices in life, as long as they’re tame.
And Allah is Mighty, in wisdom He reigns,
In all that you do, His knowledge remains.

2: 241

For divorced women, due is their share,
A fair maintenance by the righteous, with care.

2: 242

Thus, Allah makes His signs unfold,
So understanding may take hold.

2: 243

Did you not behold those who fled their place,
Thousands in number, fearing death’s embrace?
Allah commanded, “Die,” then gave them breath,
Restoring their lives, defying death.
For Allah’s bounty to mankind is grand,
Yet most remain ungrateful, unable to understand.

2: 244

So, strive for Allah’s cause with might,
For Allah hears and knows all in sight.

2: 245

Who will lend to Allah a generous share,
A beautiful loan that He’ll multiply with care?

It is Allah who grants both need and gain,
And to Him alone, your path shall remain.

2: 246

Have you not looked to the leaders of Israel,
After Moses, who sought a king to prevail?
They asked their prophet, “Appoint us a guide,
So we may fight for Allah, with Him on our side.”
He asked, “What if you’re called to the fray,
Will you not rise when called to the way?”
They replied, “How can we not take a stand,
When we’ve lost our homes and families at hand?”
Yet when the command to fight came to be,
They turned back, save a few, you see.
For Allah knows well those who choose wrong,
In His knowledge, their hearts do not belong.

2: 247

Their prophet spoke, “Allah has made Talut your king.”
They replied, “How can he rule when we have the greater thing?
We’re more fit for this role, with wealth in our grasp,
Yet he lacks abundance; it’s hard to unclasp.”
He replied, “Allah chose him for a purpose so clear,
Endowed him with wisdom and strength to revere.
Authority is granted as Allah deems right,
For He knows all things, and in His care, we find light.”

2: 248

Their prophet continued, “A sign you shall see,
The Ark of the Covenant will come to thee.
Within it lies assurance from your Lord’s hand,
And relics from Moses and Aaron’s grandstand,
Carried by angels, a sacred decree,
A symbol for you, if in faith you believe.”

2: 249

When Talut led his troops into the fray,
He warned, “Allah will test you along the way.
At the stream, drink not, for if you do,
You won’t march with me; just a sip will do.”
Yet most quenched their thirst, save a few who remained,
When they crossed the river, their courage was strained.
They cried, “Today we can’t face Goliath’s might,”
But those with faith replied, “We’ll stand and fight.
For how often, by Allah’s decree,
Can a small band conquer a mighty enemy?
Allah is with those who endure and stay strong,
In steadfastness, we’ll prove them wrong.”

2: 250

As they faced Goliath and his mighty throng,
They prayed to their Lord, their hearts bold and strong:
“Our Lord! Bestow upon us steadfastness today,
Make our footing secure as we enter the fray.
Grant us Your aid against those who deny,
Help us stand firm as we lift our cry.”

2: 251

By Allah’s will, they triumphed in fight;
David struck down Goliath with might.
Allah granted him strength and insight,
And taught him what He deemed right.
If not for Allah, who checks one by one,
The earth would be rife with chaos undone.
Yet Allah’s grace flows to every land,
Bestowing His bounty with a guiding hand.

2: 252

These are the Signs of Allah we share,
In truth, We convey them with utmost care.
Indeed, you are one of the messengers bright,
Delivering His message, guiding with light.

2: 253

Those messengers, gifts from Allah, bestowed,
Some were elevated, while others were shown.
To one, Allah spoke; to others, He gave grace,
To Isa, son of Maryam, clear Signs in place,
And strengthened him with the Spirit so pure.
Had Allah willed, strife would not endure,
Generations would’ve united as one,
But they chose to quarrel, with faith overrun.
If Allah had willed, they’d have stood side by side;
Yet Allah fulfills His plan, in which all abide.

2: 254

O you who believe, give from what We gave,
Before a Day comes where none can save —
No trade, nor friend, nor plea will aid.
The faithless ones in wrong have strayed.

2: 255

Allah! None is god but He, the Living, the Eternal One,
No slumber nor sleep touches Him — by Him all’s begun.
All things in heavens and earth are His to keep,
Who can intercede but by His leave, so deep?
He knows all that lies ahead and behind,
Of His knowledge, none grasp but by His mind.
His Throne expands o’er earth and skies so wide,
Guarding them brings no strain, for He’s Most High, the Glorified.

2: 256

Let there be no force in faith’s embrace,
For Truth shines clear from Error’s trace.
Whoever rejects wrong and in Allah believes,
Holds a hand-hold firm, that never deceives.
And Allah hears and knows all things,
The peace and strength that true faith brings.

2: 257

Allah protects those who hold to the right,
From darkness, He leads them forth into light.
But those who deny are led by the wrong,
From light to deep darkness, where they belong.
Companions of fire, in its depths they’ll remain,
Forever to dwell in enduring pain.

2: 258

Have you not seen the one who sought
To challenge Abraham, for power he’d caught?
Abraham said, “My Lord gives life and death.”
He replied, “I give both with a single breath.”
Then Abraham said, “Allah makes the sun rise from the east;
If you have power, bring it from the west at least.”
Confounded was he who rejected in pride,
For Allah guides not those who injustice abide.

2: 259

Or consider the one who passed by a village,
Ruined to its roofs, fallen down in spillage.
He wondered, “How will Allah bring life to this land,
After its death by time’s own hand?”
Allah made him die, a hundred years gone,
Then raised him, asking, “How long have you drawn?”
He replied, “A day, or part of one at best.”
“No, a hundred years have passed in your rest.
Look at your food and drink, still fresh and pure,
And at your donkey, now bones to ensure
That We show the people a sign to perceive,
See how We join bones, then flesh to weave.”
Witnessing this, he understood the truth and did proclaim,
“Allah’s power rules all, by His name.”

2: 260

When Abraham asked, “Show me, my Lord, how You’ll raise
The dead from dust in wondrous ways.”
Allah said, “Do you not believe?” He replied,
“I do, but to calm the heart inside.”
“Then take four birds and draw them near,
Cut them to pieces, let no part disappear.
Scatter them high on mountains steep,
Then call them to you, and watch them leap.”
They came at once, obeying His call —
For Allah is Mighty, Wise over all.

2: 261

The parable of those who give for Allah’s sake,
Is like a single grain they chose to stake;
It sprouts seven ears, each ear with seeds ten score —
A gift He multiplies, and gives yet more.
Allah grants as He wills and knows each deed,
For He cares for all and fulfills every need.

2: 262

Those who give in Allah’s cause, sincere and true,
Without boasting of kindness or harm to pursue,
For them, their reward with their Lord is secure;
No fear shall they feel, nor grief shall endure.

2: 263

Kind words and hiding faults are far more fair
Than charity given with harm to bear.
Allah needs nothing, yet grants us grace,
And He is Most-Patient, in every case.

2: 264

O believers, void not your charity’s worth
With reminders or harm, seeking praise on earth,
Like those who give only to be seen by men,
With no faith in Allah or the Last Day then.
They’re like a barren rock with soil so thin;
Rain falls, leaving nothing but stone within.
Their efforts gain nothing, their deeds lay bare —
For Allah guides not those who lack faith or care.

2: 265

The ones who spend to please Allah, and grow in grace,
Are like a garden on high, in a fertile place;
When heavy rains come, it yields twice the share,
And with just a drizzle, its fruits are still there.
For Allah sees well all the deeds you pursue,
And knows the intentions in all that you do.

2: 266

Would any of you wish for a garden so fair,
With date-palms, and vines, and streams running there,
Bearing fruits of all kinds — yet in old age’s plight,
With children too weak to defend it aright,
A whirlwind with fire should burn it away?
Thus Allah shows Signs, for you to weigh.

2: 267

O believers, give from the best you’ve gained,
And from earth’s fine fruits by Allah ordained.
Seek not to offer what’s flawed or bare,
What you’d take with closed eyes, beyond compare.
Know Allah is free of all need or claim,
And worthy of praise, exalted in name.

2: 268

The Evil One warns you of poverty near,
And urges unseemly acts driven by fear.
But Allah assures you of bounty and grace,
With forgiveness and gifts in their rightful place.
For Allah cares for all, and His knowledge is clear;
He sees all things, and to Him we draw near.

2: 269

Allah grants wisdom to whom He desires to share;
And those who receive it find benefits rare.
Yet none will perceive it but the wise at heart,
For understanding is where true insights start.

2: 270

Whatever you give in charity or in faith,
Know that Allah sees it, and nothing can wraith.
But the wrongdoers, lost in their plight,
Shall find no helpers, nor guidance in sight.

2: 271

Disclosed charity is good, but hidden is best,
Forgiveness of sins in secrecy blessed.
It will cleanse you of some of your wrongs and your strife,
For Allah knows well all your deeds in this life.

2: 272

O Messenger, it’s not for you to steer the way,
For Allah guides whom He wills to obey.
The good that you share enriches your soul,
Seek only Allah’s “Face,” that should be your goal.
Whatever you give will return to you fair,
And you’ll not be wronged in the blessings you bear.

2: 273

(Charity is meant) for those in need, confined by fate,
In Allah’s cause, unable to migrate.
The ignorant thinks, from their modesty shown,
That they lack desire or needs of their own.
You’ll recognize them by the marks they bear;
They do not beg with urgency or despair.
And whatever good you give, rest assured,
Allah knows it well, and your heart is secured.

2: 274

Those who give their wealth, both by night and by day,
In secret and public, in a generous way,
Their reward lies with Allah, steadfast and true;
No fear will they face, nor grief will ensue.

2: 275

Those who take usury shall not stand tall,
Like one touched by Evil, who stumbles and falls.
They claim, “Trade’s like usury,” in their foolishness,
But Allah allows trade and usury’s distress.
Those who turn back after guidance is shown,
Shall be pardoned for what in the past they’ve sown.
But those who persist will face the Fire’s might,
As companions forever, lost in the night.


Allah removes all blessings from usury’s claim,
Yet rewards charitable acts with growth to His name.

For He holds no love for the wicked and ungrateful,
But delights in the hearts that are kind and faithful.


Those who believe and do righteous deeds with care,
Who establish their prayers and give charity rare,

With their Lord, they will find their well-earned reward;
No fear will they face, nor grief will be stored.


O you who believe, hold Allah in fear,
And let go of usury, if your faith is sincere.


If you refuse, be warned of a war on the way
From Allah and His Messenger, a serious fray.
But if you repent, your capital will be yours;
Treat others with justice, and fairness ensures.


If a debtor struggles, give them time to pay,
But if you forgive as charity, it’s the best way,
For in kindness and mercy, great rewards you’ll see,
If only you understood the blessings that could be.


And fear the Day when to Allah you’ll be called,
For every soul will get what their actions installed.
No one will be wronged; all deeds will be shown,
With justice prevailing, the righteous will be known.


O believers, when you engage in future trades,
Put your agreements in writing; let none be swayed.
Let a scribe write faithfully for both sides to see,
And let him not refuse, as Allah has set free.
Let the one who owes dictate, fearing Allah’s might,
And never lessen the debt, for it’s wrong in His sight.

If the debtor is weak or unable to declare,
Let their guardian write true, with justice and care.
Secure two witnesses from among your kin,
If not, then a man with two women will win,
So if one should forget, the other can remind,
And witnesses must come when called, be aligned.

Do not scorn writing contracts, be they large or small,
For it’s just in Allah’s eyes, more reliable for all.
It helps prevent doubts and disputes from arising,
But if trade is immediate, no writing’s compromising.

When making a deal, have witnesses there,
And let none suffer harm, for that’s wholly unfair.
For if you cause pain, it is wickedness true,
So fear Allah, for He teaches what’s due.
And Allah knows all; His wisdom is vast,
In all things you do, His knowledge will last.


If you’re on a journey and a scribe’s not in sight,
A pledge with possession can serve as your right.
If one of you trusts another with their gain,
Let the trustee be faithful, fearing Allah’s reign.

Do not hide the evidence; concealment is wrong,
For those who do so have hearts that are strong.
In every thought and deed, His knowledge is clear,
So act with integrity, for He’s always near.


To Allah belongs all in the heavens and earth,
Whether you reveal or hide what’s of worth.

Whether you reveal what’s in your heart or hide,
Allah will hold you accountable, with nothing to bide.

He punishes whom He chooses, with power profound,
For Allah is mighty; His dominion surrounds.


The Messenger believes in what to him has been shown,
As do the faithful, with hearts fully grown.
Each one believes in Allah, His angels, and Word,
In His books and His messengers, all truth heard.

“We make no distinction among those He sent,”
They affirm with their hearts, their faith is cement.
“We hear and we obey, seeking Your grace,
Forgive us, our Lord, as we run this race.”


Allah places no burden on a soul more than it can withstand,
Each one reaps the good it earns, or suffers as planned.
(Pray:) “Our Lord! Don’t hold us accountable for slips or mistake;
And lay not on us the burdens from those who did break.

Our Lord! Don’t impose what we cannot endure,
Erase our misdeeds, grant forgiveness that’s sure.
Show us Your mercy, for You are our protector and guide;
Help us against foes who in faith would deride.”



Farhana Akter
Farhana Akter

Written by Farhana Akter

Here I am, O Allah, here I am. I submit and submit again.

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