The Quran in Rhymes: A Poetic Translation: Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle)

Farhana Akter
29 min readJan 18, 2025



Peace be upon you, the descendants of Adam,

The rhymed translation provided aims to capture the essence and meaning of the translation of the Quran but may not be a precise word-for-word English translation. This rhyme was crafted with the assistance of ChatGPT.

Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle)


All praises to Allah, the One who created,
The heavens and earth, with wonders elated.

He originated the darkness and light,
Yet disbelievers old others as equal with their Lord in sight.


He it is Who created you from clay,
And fixed a term for your end, one day.

And with Him, a set time for your resurrection,
Yet you still doubt, despite His perfection.


And He is Allah, alone to be worshipped and praised,
In the heavens and earth, His name is raised.
He knows what you conceal and what you disclose,
And all that you earn, be it good or morose.


Never a sign from their Lord do they receive,
But from it they turn, refusing to believe.


Indeed, they rejected the truth when it came,
But the news of their mockery will bring them torment and shame.


Have they not seen how many a past nation
We have erased, though they ruled with strong foundation?

We had established them on the earth such as We have not established you,

We poured out on them rain from the sky in abundance too.
And rivers beneath, flowing at their side.
But for their transgressions and sins, they met their end,
And after them, new generations did ascend.


And even if to you, O Muhammad, We had sent,
A message on paper, for them to present,
The disbelievers would have declared, with mocking cheer,
“This is but magic, crystal clear!”


And they say, “Why has no angel come his way?”
Had We sent an angel, the judgment would sway,
And at once, their fate would be sealed tight,
With no respite would be granted to them or further light.


And had We sent him an angel to guide,
We’d have made him a man, to stand by their side.
Then surely, they’d be in greater dismay,
Confused by what they’d already turned away.


Indeed, many messengers were mocked before,
But those who scoffed, faced what they ignored.
The very thing they ridiculed with pride,
Surrounded them, with no place to hide.


Say: “Travel in the land and find,
The fate of those who rejected truth, blind.”


Say (O Muhammad): “To whom belongs all in the sky and the earth?”
Say: “To Allah, the One of infinite worth.
He has decreed Mercy for His own,
And on the Day, you’ll be fully shown.
A Day of Resurrection, with no doubt to hold,
Where truth will be clear, and all will be told.

Those who destroy themselves will not believe,
In Allah as the Only God, and the truth they’ll deceive.


To Him belongs all that’s in night and day,
He hears every whisper, knows all we say.
The All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, so wise,
In His sight, nothing can disguise.


Say (O Muhammad): “Shall I take as a Wali,
Any but Allah, the Creator of earth and sky?
It is He Who provides, but is never fed,
The Sustainer of all, by Whom we’re led.

Say: ‘I am commanded to be the first to bow,
In submission to Allah, here and now.’
And do not be of the polytheists’ crew,
Who deny the truth, and what’s pure and true.”


Say: “I fear, if I disobey my Lord’s command,
The torment of a Day, so vast and grand.”


Who is averted from such torment on that Day,
Allah’s mercy upon him will surely stay.
And that will be the triumph, clear and true,
The obvious success, for him to pursue.


And if Allah touches you with harm, none can heal,
But He alone, with power to seal.
And if He grants you good, so pure,
He is Able to do all, of this be sure.


And He is the Irresistible, above His slaves,
The All-Wise, Well-Acquainted, Who knows all things and waves.


Say: “What is the greatest in witness?”
Say: “Allah, the Most Great, is the witness in this.
Between me and you, He stands as the Guide,
This Qur’an is sent to warn far and wide.

Can you bear witness to gods beside Allah’s name?”
Say: “I bear no such witness, nor claim the same.
But in truth, He is the only Ilah, the One,
And I am free from the false gods you’ve spun.”


Those to whom We’ve given the Scripture, they know,
As they know their own sons, the truth will show.
They recognize him, Muhammad, as the true Guide,
Knowing there’s no Ilah but Allah, with none beside.

Yet those who destroy themselves, in denial they stand,
Refusing to believe, though truth is at hand.


Who does more wrong, in truth, than he
Who invents a lie against Allah or chooses to disagree,
Or denies His signs, His proof, His light?
The wrongdoers shall never be successful, and lose the fight.


And on that Day when We gather them all,
We’ll ask those who to gods did call,
“Where are the deities you used to claim,
That with Allah you set in the same?”


Then no excuse will remain, no defense to say,
But they’ll swear by Allah, on that fateful day:
“Our Lord, we never took partners in Your name,
Nor joined others in worship, nor played that game.”


Look how they lie against their own fate,
But the falsehood they crafted will dissipate.


And some of them listen, but their hearts are sealed,
With veils that prevent them from what is revealed.
Deafness in their ears, they hear not the call,
Though signs are before them, they’ll deny them all.
When they come to argue, their words they unfold:
“These are nothing but tales of the men of old.”


They hinder others from his way,
And from him themselves, they stray.
In doing so, they destroy themselves and doom their fate,
But perceive it not, though it’s too late.


If you could see when they’re held above
The Fire, with no escape or love!

They’ll wish for return, a second chance,
To believe in His signs and take their stance.


Nay, it has become manifest to them what they’d hid,
But if returned, they’d do as they did.
To what they were forbidden, they’d again comply,
For truly, they are those who lie.


And they proclaimed, “This present life’s all we know,
No other life beyond, no resurrection to show.”


If you could see them before their Lord,
He’ll ask, “Is this (Resurrection and the taking of the accounts) not the truth, as I’ve assured?”
They’ll answer, “Yes, by our Lord, indeed!”
He’ll say, “Then taste the torment for your disbelief and greed.”


They are the losers who denied the truth so clear,
The meeting with Allah, though suddenly it (the Hour/ signs of death) drew near.

They’ll say, “Alas, we never thought it true,”
As they bear their burdens, heavy through and through.

And evil indeed, those burdens shall be,
The weight of their deeds, for all to see.


And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement,
But far better is the home in the Hereafter for the pious and prudent.
Will you not then understand the truth so clear?


We know the grief their words bring to you,
It’s not you they deny, but Allah’s signs, too.
The wrongdoers reject what’s true and clear,
The verses of Allah they deny and refuse to hear.


Indeed, many Messengers were denied before,
But with patience, they endured the uproar.
They were hurt, but held on until Our Aid came,
For none can change Allah’s Words and decree or claim.
The news of those Messengers has reached you,
Their trials and truth, both steadfast and true.


If their rejection weighs heavily on you,
And their harm makes patience hard to pursue,
Then if you could find a tunnel deep or climb to the sky,
To bring them a sign, but patience is the best reply.
Had Allah willed, He could guide them all,
So do not be among those who fall in ignorance’s thrall.


Those who listen the call and pay attention,
Will find their hearts in true connection.
But as for the dead, in disbelief they lay,
Allah will raise them up on the Judgment Day,
Then to Him they’ll return, for their recompense,
To face the truth, and the final consequence.


And they asked, “Why doesn’t a sign appear,
From his Lord, to make things clear?”
Say, “Allah is certainly able to send it down,
But most are unaware of what they’ve found.”


There is no creature on earth that moves,
Nor bird that with two wings proves,
But are communities just like you,
Nothing’s left out in the Book, it’s true.
Then to their Lord, they all shall return,
For the final gathering, where all will learn.


Those who reject Our Ayat, in their denial they stay,
Are deaf and dumb, lost in darkness, led astray.

Allah sends astray whom He wills

and He guides on the Straight Path whom He wills.


Say (O Muhammad): “Tell me, if Allah’s punishment draws near,
Or the Hour strikes, bringing its fear,
Will you then call on anyone but Allah, I ask?
If you are truthful, answer this task!”


Nay! To Him alone you call,
And if Allah wills, He’ll remove your fall.
Then in that moment, you’ll forget,
The partners you once with Him set.


Indeed, We sent messengers to nations before,
And struck them with poverty, illness, and more,
To humble their hearts, in distress and pain,
So they might believe and call on Him again.


When Our torment came upon them, why did they not believe,
And humble themselves, seeking to reprieve?
But their hearts grew hard, and in their sight,
Shaitan made their deeds seem fair and right.


So, when they ignored the warning they’d received,
We opened to them all pleasures, unperceived.
And while they enjoyed all that they had gained,
Suddenly, Our punishment upon them rained,
They were plunged into destruction, with deep regrets and sorrows,
Caught in their remorse, with no hope for tomorrow.


So, the roots of the wrongdoers were severed,
And all praise and thanks to Allah are forever.
The Lord of all that exists, from mankind to jinn,
In His hands, all creation and the heavens begin.


Say to those who disbelieve, “If Allah took your sight and sound (hearing),
And sealed your hearts, where would help be found?
Who, other than Allah, could bring them back to you?”
See how We explain the signs, yet they still turn away, it’s true.


Say: “If Allah’s punishment strikes suddenly, unseen by night or day,
Who, except the wrongdoers, would face its harsh dismay?”


We send no messengers but to bring glad news and warn,
And those who believe and do right, no fear or grief will they mourn.


“But those who reject Our signs and disbelieve,
The torment will come, for the lies they conceive.”


Say, O Muhammad, “I do not claim to hold Allah’s treasure,
Nor know the unseen, nor am I an angel in measure.
I only follow what is revealed to me,”
Say: “Are the blind and the one who sees the same to thee?
Will you not then reflect and truly see?”


And warn with this Qur’an those who fear the Day to come,
When before their Lord they’ll stand, with no protector, none.
No intercessor will there be, save Him alone,
So let them fear Allah and to Him be fully shown,
Abstaining from sin and doing good as He has known.


And turn not away those who call on their Lord, afternoon and day,
Seeking His Face, in devotion they pray.
You’re not accountable for them, nor they for you,
So don’t turn them away, or you’ll be unjust too.


Thus, We have tested some with others, to see,
If they would ask, “Are these the ones favored by He?”
Does not Allah know best who are grateful and true,
The ones who give thanks in all that they do?


When those who believe in Our signs come to you,
Say, “Peace be upon you,” in kindness, true.
Your Lord has decreed mercy for Himself,
That if one does wrong, then turns in true repentance,
And does righteous good deeds with obedience,
Surely, He is Forgiving, full of mercy in His essence.


And thus, do We explain the signs with clarity and care,
So that the path of the wrongdoers may be laid bare.
That the way of the Mujrimun (sinners) may become manifest.


Say, “I’m forbidden to worship what you call,
Those besides Allah, I cannot heed your call.
I will not follow your desires, vain and astray,
For if I did, I’d lose my way, and not be guided in the right way.”


Say (O Muhammad): “I stand on clear proof from my Lord, true and bright,
But you deny the truth that’s been revealed to light.
I do not have what you seek in haste, the torment’s way,
The decision belongs to Allah, Who declares what is right,
And He is the Best of judges, on that Day.”


Say, “If I had what you demand in haste, the punishment you seek,
The matter would be settled, no more would we speak.

But Allah knows best who the wrongdoers be,
He alone knows the unjust, and what they cannot see.”


With Him are the keys to the unseen, none knows but He,
He knows all that’s in the earth and the deep sea.
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge, unseen,
Nor a grain in the earth’s darkness, nor anything between.

What’s fresh or dry, all is written clear,
In a Record that’s perfect, known far and near.


It is He who takes your souls by night’s embrace,
And knows all that you’ve done by day’s full grace.
Then He wakes you up, that your term may be complete,
And to Him you return, where all truths meet.
He will tell you of the deeds you used to do,
The things you did, both hidden and in view.


Allah is the Irresistible, Supreme over His servants all,
And He sends guardians (angels) to guard, heed every call,
Until death draws near and the soul is claimed,
Our Messengers (angels) take it, as it’s been ordained,
They never falter, nor fail in their task,
Their duty unwavering, no need to ask.


Then to Allah they return, their true Master and Lord,
The Just One, to whom all rewards are restored.
His is the judgment, swift in His decree,
For He is the Quickest in accounting, truly.


Say (O Muhammad): “Who saves you from the depths of land and sea,
When you call to Him in humility and secrecy,

(Saying): “If He (Allah) saves us from this peril we face,
We will truly be grateful, with hearts full of grace.”


Say (O Muhammad): “Allah saves you from it and from every distress and grief,
Yet you still worship others, denying His relief.”


Say: “He has the power to send torment upon you, from above or below,
Or to bring strife between you, causing you to taste the violence and your foes to grow.
See how We present the signs in diverse ways,
So they may reflect and understand throughout their days.”


But your people (O Muhammad) have denied the truth,
Though the Qur’an is clear, a guide for the proof.

Say, “I am not responsible for the path you choose,
Your affairs and actions are yours; it’s you who must lose.”


For every news, there’s a fact to unfold,
For each thing, a term that’s destined and told.
It’s said for each deed, there’s a due recompense,
And in time, you will know, with no more suspense.


When you see those who mock Our verses and stray,
Turn away from them until they turn to another topic and change their way.

And if Shaitan makes you forget the right way,
Then leave their company after remembrance, when wrong-doers lead you astray.


Those who fear Allah and follow His way,
Avoiding the evil, in truth they will stay.
They’re not responsible for those who reject,
Their duty is to remind, and to guide and correct.


And leave alone those who take their religion as amusement and play,
Deceived by the life of this world, led astray.

But remind them with it, lest they be lost,
For the deeds they’ve earned, they’ll bear the cost.
No protector or intercessor besides Allah will they find,
Even if ransom is offered, none will be kind.

Such are they, to destruction bound,
For them awaits a boiling drink,
And torment worse than they could think,
A painful fate they must receive,
For they refused to still believe.


Say, “Shall we call on others besides Allah,
Who bring neither harm nor benefit, no law?
Shall we turn back after guidance was shown,
Like one led astray, lost and alone?
His friends call out, ‘Come back to the way,’
Yet he wanders confused, in darkness to stay.
Say, ‘Indeed, Allah’s guidance is true,
And to Him alone is submission due,
The Lord of all worlds and all creations, the One we obey.’”


“And to perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat),” remain steadfast in prayer,
Be obedient to Allah, His commands handle with care.
Fear Him alone, for to Him you shall return,
Where deeds are weighed, and destinies discern.


It is He Who has fashioned the heavens and earth in truth,
And on the Day He declares, “Be!” — it comes forth in full proof.
His Word is the truth; His command will prevail,
On the Day when the trumpet sounds its unveiled tale.
The unseen and the seen are within His sight,
He is All-Wise, All-Knower, and All-Aware, in His infinite might.


And remember when Ibrahim said to his father, Azar,
“Do you take these idols as gods to confer?
Indeed, I see you and your people astray,
In clear error, far from the righteous way.”


Thus, We showed Ibrahim the vast kingdom above,
The heavens and earth, signs of Allah’s great love,
So he might be among those with faith so clear,
Firm in certainty, with no doubt or fear.


When the night covered him over with darkness he saw a star.

“This is my lord,” he said, gazing afar.
But when it vanished, leaving the sky unmet,
He said, “I do not love those that set.”


When he saw the moon rising up, he said: “This is my lord,” so high.
But when it set and left his view,
He said: “Without my Lord to guide, I’d be among the erring too.”


When he saw the sun rise and brightly appear, he said: “This is my lord, it is greater (and clear).”
But when it set and faded away,
He said: “O my people, I am free from all that you join as partners in worship with Allah today.”


“Indeed, I have turned my face towards Him, the Creator of the heavens and earth, with pure devotion.
In Hanifa, I worship none but Allah alone, with unwavering emotion.
And I am not of Al-Mushrikun, those who associate partners in their notion.”


His people argued with him, but he replied:
“Do you dispute with me about Allah, who has been my guide?
I fear not those you associate with Allah in worship and your call,
For nothing can happen except by my Lord’s will, after all.
My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things, far and near.
Will you not then reflect and make it clear?


Why should I fear those you call beside Allah,
Who bring neither help nor harm at all,
While you fear not, and worship in vain,
What Allah gave no proof to sustain?

So, which of the two has the truer claim,
To security and peace in Allah’s name?
If only you knew, the truth is clear,
The righteous alone have naught to fear.


It is those who believe in Allah’s Oneness true,
And with no wrongdoing their faith they renew.
For them alone is safety’s embrace,
And they are the guided, blessed by His grace.


That was the proof We gave to Ibrahim clear,
Against his people, to make truth appear.
We raise in ranks whom We choose to bless,
Your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise in success.


We granted him Ishaque and Ya’qub as well,
Each one We guided, in truth they dwell.
Before him, Nuh received Our light,
And from his lineage shone prophets bright:
Dawud, Sulaiman, Ayub, Yusuf’s story,
Musa and Harun, who spoke of Our glory.
Such is the reward for deeds that are pure,
For those who do good, Our favor is sure.


And Zakariya, Yahya, and Iesa revered,
Iliyas, too, in righteousness appeared.
Each of them walked the path upright,
Honored and blessed in Allah’s sight.


And Isma’il, Al-Yas’a, Yunus, and Lut,
Each one We raised in rank absolute.
Above all beings of their time they stood,
Favored by Allah, the Wise and Good.


And from their fathers, progeny, and kin,
We chose them all and guided within.
To the Straight Path, by Our decree,
They walked in truth and purity.


This is the Guidance Allah bestows,
To whomever He wills, His mercy flows.
But had they worshipped others beside,
Their deeds would not benefit them, all nullified.


They are the ones to whom We gave the Book,
Wisdom in judgment, laws, and Prophethood they took.
But if these disbelieve in what We bestow,
To a faithful people, the truth will go —
A people who hold no doubt or disdain,
Entrusted by Us to uphold Our reign.


They are the ones whom Allah has guided right,
So follow their path, in truth and light.
Say: “No reward I seek from you,
This Qur’an is a reminder, for all to view.”


They failed to grasp Allah’s true might,
When claiming no message came down to any human being in His light.
Say, O Muhammad, “Who sent down the Book,
Which Musa received, if you truly look?
A guidance and light for all to embrace,
Yet you divided it, hiding much in disgrace.
And knowledge was taught through Allah’s decree,
What neither your fathers nor you could foresee.”
Say, “Allah sent it,” then let them stray,
Lost in their talk and leave them to play.


This is the Book, a blessing We gave,
Confirming the guidance We earlier conveyed.
To warn the Mother of Towns and near,
With truth for all to see and hear.
Those who believe in Hereafter to come,
Hold to this Qur’an; their faith is strong.
In prayer they stand, their duty clear,
Guarding their Salat with hearts sincere.


Who is more unjust than one who lies,
Claiming from Allah false insights arise?
Or says, “I’ll reveal the like of what Allah has sent,”
Inventing words with deceitful intent.
If only you saw when wrongdoers face,
The throes of death, their end in disgrace.
As angels stretch hands, declaring their fate,
“Release your souls to a torment so great!
For lies you spoke against Allah’s Name,
And rejecting His signs with disrespect brought you to shame.”


Indeed, you have come to Us all alone,
As We created you, with nothing your own.
You left behind what We gave for your stay,
All wealth and companions now taken away.
Where are the partners you claimed as Allah to defend?
Those intercessors, their help at an end.
All ties are severed, their bond undone,
And what you once claimed has completely gone.


Indeed, it is Allah who splits the seed,
From grain and fruit-stone, making life proceed.
He brings forth the living from the dead,
And from the living, the dead are led.
Such is Allah, the Almighty, the True,
Then how are you turned from the right path that is due?


The Cleaver of daybreak, He is indeed,
Who appoints the night for rest and need.
The sun and the moon for reckoning’s flow,
By His decree, their measures show.
Such is the measure, perfect and right,
Of the All-Mighty, All-Knowing in might.


It is He who placed the stars above,
To guide your way with care and love,
Through the darkness of land and sea,
A sign of His wisdom and majesty.

We have indeed made clear Our signs,
For those who know and reflect with open minds.


He is the One Who from one person made you,
And gave you a dwelling, a place that’s true.
A home to reside and a place to store,
In life and beyond, forevermore.

Indeed, We have explained Our signs in detail,
For those who reason and truth reveal.


It is He Who sends down water from the sky,
And with it We bring forth vegetation of all kinds, high and nigh.

From it, green stalks and clustered grain grow,
And from date-palms, dates in clusters bestow.
Grapes, olives, and pomegranates, too,
Similar yet different in taste and hue.
Look at their fruits when they start to bear,
And see their ripeness, beyond compare.
Verily, in these are signs for those who believe,
In every fruit and tree, the existence of the Creator they perceive.


Yet, they associate the jinn as partners with Allah,
Though He is the Creator of them all.
They falsely claim, without knowledge or right,
Sons and daughters to Him in their sight.

Glorified and Exalted is He above
All that they wrongly attribute to Him in their belief and love.


Allah is the Originator of earth and the skies.
How could He have children, with no partner by His side?
He created all things, His power supreme,
And of all that exists, He knows every scheme.


Such is Allah, your Lord and true guide,
No god but He, in Him we confide.
The Creator of all, to Him alone pray,
Guardian of all, our trust every day.


No sight can behold Him; He’s beyond all view,
Yet Allah sees all things, nothing escapes His purview.
The Most Subtle, Courteous, in all ways supreme,
He is Well-Acquainted Who knows every secret, every thought, every dream.


Indeed, clear proofs have come from your Lord to guide,
Whoever perceives and does good deeds, it’s for their own good inside.

Whoever blinds themselves, it is to their own detriment,
And I (Muhammad) am not a guardian over you, no such sentiment.


Thus, We present the Verses in various ways,
So that the disbelievers may claim, “You’ve studied their ways,”
That We may make the matter clear for those who seek insight,
For the people of knowledge, to guide them to what is right.


Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord,
None has the right to be worshipped but Him, the One adored.
And turn away from those who associate and stray,
Stay firm in His path, and walk His way.


Had Allah willed, they would not have turned to others in prayer,
But His wisdom lets them choose their own affair.
We have not made you a watcher over their state,
Nor assigned you to manage their ultimate fate.


Do not insult those they worship besides Allah,
Lest they insult Allah in ignorance and flaw.
Thus, We have made their deeds seem fair in their sight,
Then to their Lord is their return for judgment and right.

He will inform them of all they once pursued,
Revealing the truth of all they used to do.


They swear by Allah with their strongest vow,
“If a sign came to us, we’d believe it now.”
Say, “Signs are with Allah, beyond your sight,
And how do you know they’d believe if shown the light?”


And We will turn their hearts and eyes away,
For they refused to believe in truth’s clear way.
We will leave them in their transgression to stray,
Wandering blindly, lost in disarray.


Even if We had sent angels down to their sight,
And the dead had spoken to confirm what is right,
And all things were gathered before them that day,
They still would not believe, unless Allah willed to make a way.
But most of them persist in ignorance profound,
Turning from truth, where guidance is found.


And thus, We have assigned to every Prophet enemies —
Devils from mankind and jinn with their evil schemes.
They inspire each other with deceptive speech,
Adorned to delude and keep truth out of reach.
Had your Lord willed, they would not have done so,
So leave them with their lies, as their falsehood will show.


(This is so) that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to such deceit,
That they may find pleasure in it, thinking it sweet.
Thus, they persist in the sins they are committing,
All kinds of sins and evil deeds, unremitting.


[Say (O Muhammad)] “Shall I seek a judge other than Allah,
When He has sent down the Book with truth and no flaw?”
Those given the Scripture know its source is divine,
Revealed by your Lord, with truth in every line.
So be not among those who doubt or sway,
For His guidance is clear, lighting the way.


And the Word of your Lord is perfected in truth and justice,
None can alter His Words, none can adjust this.
He is the All-Hearer, knowing all that’s concealed,
All that is spoken and all that’s revealed.


If you obey most on earth, you’ll stray,
If you obey most on earth, you’ll stray,
For they will lead you far away from Allah’s way.
They follow mere guesses, no truth in their cry,
And in their words, they do but lie.


Indeed, your Lord knows best who strays,
And He knows the guided, who walk in His ways.


So, eat of the meat on which Allah’s Name is declared,
If you believe in His signs and the guidance He’s shared.


And why should you not eat of the meat proclaimed,
With Allah’s Name, as His law is explained?
He has detailed for you what’s forbidden and why,
Except in necessity, when rules may apply.

Following desires, with ignorance, they cause disarray,

But your Lord knows best who transgress and stray.


Avoid all sin, both hidden and clear,
For those who commit it, their recompense is near.
They will be repaid for the deeds they have done,
For every wrong, justice will come.


Do not eat of the meat where Allah’s Name is not said,
For such is a sin, a path where misguidance is led.
Indeed, Shayatin inspire their allies to contend,
To argue with you and mislead to no end.
If you follow their ways and make haram seem right,
You’d fall into shirk, straying far from His light.
For to obey in such matters is to worship beside,
None but Allah alone should be your guide.


Is he who was dead in ignorance and disbelief,
Whom We gave life through faith and relief,
And set a light for him to walk among men,
Like one in darkness, unable to come out again?
Thus, their deeds are adorned in their sight,
Misguiding disbelievers away from the light.


And so, We have appointed in every town’s domain,
Its wicked leaders to plot and to feign.
But their schemes harm none except their own soul,
Though they perceive not how they lose control.


When a sign from Allah comes, they say in their pride,
“We shall not believe until we receive the like of that which the Messengers of Allah had received.”
But Allah knows best where His Message should reside,
With wisdom and justice, He does decide.
For their plotting, humiliation, disgrace and torment will descend,
On the criminals, their rebellion meets its end.


Whomever Allah wills to guide, He opens their chest,
To Islam’s light, granting peace and rest.
But whomever He wills to lead astray,
Their chest is closed and constricted, tight as if climbing the sky’s way.

Thus, does Allah’s wrath on disbelievers fall,
For rejecting His signs and ignoring His call.


And this is the Path of your Lord, straight and clear,
The Qur’an, for those who hold it dear.
We have detailed Our Revelations, precise indeed,
For a people who reflect and take heed.


For them awaits the home of peace with their Lord,
A dwelling of bliss as their eternal reward.
He will be their Wali, their Helper, their Guide,
For the righteous deeds they lived and applied.


And on the Day He gathers them all in one place,
He will say: “O assembly of jinns, you led many astray!”
Their allies among men will then plead their case:
“Our Lord, we gained from each other along the way,

But now we’ve reached the term You set before,
The time appointed by Your decree and more.”
He will say: “The Fire is your eternal place,
Therein you will dwell, except by Allah’s grace.
Surely your Lord is All-Wise, All-Aware,
His justice and knowledge are beyond compare.”


And so, We make the wrongdoers and polytheists allies in their deed,
Supporting one another in their crimes and their greed.
This is due to what they used to earn and pursue,
Their actions have bound them to what they are due.


“O assembly of jinns and mankind!” He will proclaim,
“Did My Messengers not come, calling in My Name,
Reciting My Verses, warning of this Day’s sight?”
They will say, “We bear witness against ourselves; indeed, You are right.”
The life of this world deceived them and had led them astray,
Its fleeting allure took their focus away.
Against themselves, they bear witness and declare,
That they were disbelievers, unmindful of care.


This is because your Lord would never destroy towns for their wrong,
While the people remained unaware all along.
Messengers were sent with warning and truth to convey,
So none could claim they were led astray.


For each, there are ranks based on what they’ve done,
Their deeds determine the place they’ve won.
And your Lord is never unaware or blind,
He knows every action of humankind.


Your Lord is Rich, free of all need,
Full of Mercy in word and deed.

If He wills, He can bring your end,
And raise successors to whom He’ll extend,
Just as He raised you from the seed of others before,
His power and wisdom forever endure.


Surely, what you are promised will come to be,
No escape exists from Allah’s decree.


Say: “O my people, strive in your way,
Surely, I too am striving, day by day.

In time you will know whose end will be blessed,
In the Hereafter, where truth is confessed.
Surely, the wrongdoers will never succeed,”
For their actions bring loss to the path they lead.


They assign to Allah a share of their land and cattle,
From what He created, they devise this battle.
“This is for Allah,” they claim in deceit,
“And this for our partners,” their words repeat.
Yet the share for their partners does not reach the Divine,
While the share for Allah, to their partners, they assign.
Evil indeed is their judgment and ways,
In falsehood and lies, their hearts always stay.


To many among the polytheists, their so-called “partners” deceive,
Making the killing of their children seem right to believe.
This leads them to ruin, their faith torn apart,
Sowing confusion deep within their heart.
If Allah had willed, they would not have strayed,
But He lets them choose the path they’ve made.
So leave them in their fabrications and misdirection,
For they will face the truth upon reflection.


In their falsehood, they claim and declare,
“These crops and cattle are forbidden to share.

And they claim there are cattle not to bear load,
Nor to be used for work on the road.
And cattle they slaughter without Allah’s Name,
Fabricating lies, bringing themselves shame.

Such lies they attribute to Allah above,
But He will judge them with justice, not love.
For their fabrications, they’ll surely repay,
When truth is revealed on the reckoning day.


They declare, “What’s within the bellies of such and such cattle we own
Is for our males alone, to females disown.
If born lifeless, they all may share,”
But Allah will judge their lies unfair.
All-Wise, All-Knowing is He indeed,
Who punishes those who follow false creed.


Truly lost are those, in ignorance blind,
Who killed their children, cruel and unkind.
Forbidding what Allah gave for their gain,
And forging lies in His holy name.
Strayed far are they, from guidance deprived,
No path to truth in their hearts survived.


It is Allah Who produces gardens trellised and untrellised and spread,
With date-palms, and crops in colors widespread.
Olives and pomegranates, alike yet unique,
Each with its flavor, its texture, its peak.
Eat of their fruit when the harvest is near,
And give what is due, as Allah makes clear.
But waste not in excess, nor squander in pride,
For the extravagant, He does not abide.


Of cattle, some carry the heaviest loads,
While others are smaller, meant for your roads —
For food, for milk, for wool to provide.
Eat what Allah gave, with Him as your guide.
Follow not the steps of Satan’s deceit,
For he’s your open enemy, seeking your defeat.


Eight pairs He created: sheep two by two,
And goats, male and female, for you to view.
Say, “Did He forbid the males or the pair,
Or the young in the wombs the females bear?
Bring forth your knowledge, if truth you defend,
Prove your claim, and let falsehood end.”


And of camels, two pairs — male and female they are,
And of oxen, the same, for your needs near and far.
Say, “Did He forbid the males, or the pair,
Or the young in the wombs that the females bear?
Or were you there when Allah gave this decree,
Inventing falsehood to mislead, can’t you see?
Who is more unjust than one who defames,
Leading mankind astray with baseless claims?
Allah guides not the wrongdoers’ way,
The oppressors in error shall surely stray.”


Say, “In what’s revealed, I find nothing banned,
For one who eats, by Allah’s command —
Except dead flesh, or blood poured out,
Or swine’s meat, impure without a doubt.
Or that sacrificed in another’s name,
Beyond Allah’s, a sinful claim.
But for one in need, without willful disobedience and intent to stray,
Allah forgives, His mercy will stay.”


To the Jews, We forbade each hoof undivided,
And the fat of ox and sheep, We provided
Only what clings to the back or the bone,
Or lies in entrails, by limits well-known.
This was their due for rebellion’s demand,
For crimes they committed by their own hand.
And surely, We speak with truth as Our way,
Our word is just, and will never sway.


If they deny you, then say with belief,
“Your Lord is the source of mercy and relief.
Yet His wrath won’t turn from those who sin,
The criminals, lost in what lies within.”


Those who took partners with Allah will say,
“If He had willed, we’d not go astray —
Nor our fathers, nor forbid what’s right.”
Those before spoke lies just the same,
Till Our wrath befell, consuming their claim.
Say, “Have you knowledge, a proof to display?
You follow but guesses, in falsehood you stray.”


Say, “With Allah lies the perfect proof and decree,
His Oneness, His guidance, for all to see.
Had He so willed, He’d have guided you all,
But wisdom decides who heeds His call.”


Say, “Bring forth your witnesses, let them declare,
That Allah forbids this, if you dare.”
If they testify, do not join their word,
Nor follow the vain desires that stray from your Lord.
They deny Our signs, the truth they ignore,
And worship others while Allah they abhor.”


Say, “Come, and I’ll recite with care,
What your Lord forbids, so you’re aware:
Worship none but Allah alone,
To parents, let kindness be shown.
Kill not your children in poverty’s despair,
Allah provides for you and them with care.

Come not near to sins, both hidden and known,
Be they shameful acts or openly shown.
And take no life that Allah has made sacred, true,
Such deeds are forbidden and not meant for you.

Except for justice, as Allah’s law commands —
This is His word, so understand.”


“Come not near the orphan’s wealth, but to improve or enhance (it),
Until they attain the age of full strength and can take their stance.
Give full measure and weight with what’s fair,
We burden no soul beyond what it can bear.
When you speak, let truth always be your guide,
Even if near kin are on the other side.
Fulfill the covenant made with your Lord,
This He commands, to earn your reward.”


“And this is My Path, straight and true,
So follow it closely in all that you do.
Follow not other ways, they’ll lead you astray,
From Allah’s Path, they’ll turn you away.
This He ordains, His mercy is shown,
That you may be pious and His guidance be known.”


To Musa, We gave the Book with grace,
A favor complete for the righteous embrace.
It detailed all things, a mercy, a guide,
That in their Lord’s meeting, they might confide.


This is a blessed Book, from Allah’s decree,
Which We have sent down, a guide to set you free.
Follow it closely, and in Allah’s fear,

That mercy and salvation may soon appear.


So, you may not say: “The Book was sent
To two groups (the Jews and the Christians) before, as they were meant.
Of their teachings, we had no sight,
Nor knew their ways, nor read them right.”


Or lest you say, “Had the Book been ours,
We’d walk a straighter path than others.”
But now the truth — the Qur’an — shines clear,
A guide, a mercy, ever near.

Who does more wrong than those who turn,
Rejecting signs yet lessons spurn?
For those who shun what’s sent their way,
An evil torment they will face, a painful fate they shall repay.


Do they but wait for the angels’ descent,
Or your Lord to come, as a sign He’s sent?

The day your Lord’s great Signs appear,
No faith shall help, though once sincere.
If one believed not times before,
Nor did good deeds to earn their store.

Say: “Wait, if you will, for what’s decreed,
We too shall wait and watch indeed.”


Indeed, those who split their faith apart,
And form sects with differing hearts,

You, O Muhammad, have no concern,
Their matter to Allah shall return.

He’ll tell them all that they have done,
For He alone knows everyone.


Whoever brings a good deed, so pure,
Shall have ten times its reward, secure.
Whoever brings an evil deed,
Shall be repaid in equal measure, indeed.

No wrong will be done, no justice denied,
For Allah’s judgment is always applied.


Say, O Muhammad, my Lord has shown,
A path so straight, to me made known.
The religion of Ibrahim, pure and right,
In worshipping Allah, the One True Light.

No partners have He, no gods besides,
In Him alone, we must confide.
From shirk he stayed, so true, so free,
To Allah alone, we bow our knee.


Say, “firm and true,
My prayer, my sacrifice, all I do,
My life, my death, each breath of mine,
Is for Allah, for His sake, Allah is the Most Divine.

The Lord of all, both great and small,
Mankind, the jinn — He rules them all.”


“He has no partner, none to share,
And to this truth, I’ve been made aware.
This is the command, clear and true,
I am the first of the Muslims, through and through.”


Say: “Shall I seek a lord apart from Allah,
When He’s the Lord of all, from high to low?
No one earns sin except for their own,
And no soul bears another’s burden alone.

To your Lord, you’ll return one day,
And He will guide you in the rightful way,
He’ll tell you what you’ve differed in,
And judge you for the deeds within.”


It is He who made you generations unfold,
One after another, as the ages are told.
He’s raised some above others in rank and grace,
To test you all in the blessings you embrace.

Surely, Your Lord is swift in His retribution,
Yet He is full of mercy and absolution.
Oft-Forgiving, with compassion so wide,
In His mercy, we forever abide.



Farhana Akter
Farhana Akter

Written by Farhana Akter

Here I am, O Allah, here I am. I submit and submit again.

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