The Interplay of Profession, Lifestyle Choices, Behavior, Habits, and Their Impact on Well-Being

Farhana Akter
4 min read4 days ago


Death is irreversible. People can die from various causes; some may die in accidents at an early age, while others may succumb to cancer or other complications later in life. However, do you think your consistent habits, professional lifestyle choices, risky actions, and reckless behaviors can impact the cause of your death?

Individuals in sedentary professions may be at risk for various health issues due to prolonged periods of sitting and the demands of their work. Here are some common causes of death or health issues that can affect this group: Cardiovascular Diseases, Lifestyle Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, Mental Health Issues, etc. Aaishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The first calamity for this ummah after the death of its Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will be satiety, for when people’s stomachs are full, their bodies will grow fat, and their hearts will become weakened and their desires will grow wild.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari in al-Du’afa’ — as attributed to him by al-Dhahabi in Meezaan al-I’tidaal).

“They deceive Allah but they deceive themselves” (Quran 2:9). Acting is often described as the art of deception, where performers create illusions by embodying characters that are not their true selves. Cognitive decline is a common concern in the entertainment industry, especially among aging performers and celebrities. The act of “lying” — where actors, performers, musicians, and sometimes politicians portray fictional characters and scenarios — can have negative effects on their cognitive health as they age. Some well-known actors and actresses who have publicly suffered from dementia include Rita Hayworth, Estelle Getty, and Burgess Meredith. The Quran mentions: “And do not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves.” (Surah Al-Hashr, 19)

Heart-related problems are also a significant concern for many individuals in the entertainment industry, including comedians such as Charlie Murphy, Joe Cocker, and Mitch Hedberg. A hadith mentions: “Woe to him who tells things, speaking falsely, to make people laugh thereby. Woe to him! Woe to him!” (Tirmidhi). It continues, “For verily excessive laughter kills the heart and removes the light of one’s face,” or in another version, “For verily excessive laughter corrupts the heart” [Bayhaqi, Shu’ab].

Players and celebrities who often focus intensely on their careers, entertaining and engaging the public. However, this dedication to their professions can sometimes lead to a neglect of spiritual practices, including the remembrance of Allah. Several famous football players have tragically passed away due to Cardiac arrest such as Antonio Puerta, Marc-Vivien Foé, etc. The Quran mentions: “Then woe to those whose hearts are too hard to remember Allah. They have clearly lost their way” (39:22).

Several musicians have been diagnosed with throat cancer. For example, although primarily an actor, Michael Douglas is often associated with music due to his role in films that feature music heavily. He was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2010 but has since been in remission. Joni Mitchell had a cancerous tumor removed from her throat in 2015.

The pressures of the entertainment industry can lead to mental health struggles, and some celebrities may face challenges that result in divorce, debt, substance abuse, and tragic outcomes (e.g., suicide). Some well-known celebrities who have died by suicide include: Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain, etc. Several rock ’n’ roll singers and musicians have been associated with reckless lifestyles involving heavy use of drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity, leading to health complications and, in some cases, deaths related to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For example, Freddie Mercury died in 1991 from complications related to AIDS, a disease caused by the HIV virus. His lifestyle in the 1970s and 1980s was often associated with heavy partying and sexual freedom. Another example is David Bowie who passed away in 2016 due to cancer, but his earlier years were marked by heavy drug use, including cocaine, and a reputation for sexual experimentation. Though he did not die from an STD, he openly admitted to engaging in risky behaviors, which could have exposed him to various health risks during his career.

If your daily routine involves sitting for prolonged periods on a gaming chair, it is unlikely that this behavior would directly lead to a peaceful death while prostrating. Engaging in good deeds and remembering Allah instills hope for a positive outcome in the end. Therefore, it is essential to choose your profession and companions wisely. Surrounding yourself with individuals who uplift you and aligning your career with values that promote good can greatly influence your journey in life. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was reportedly asked: “Which of our companions are best?” He replied: “One whose appearance reminds you of God, and whose speech increases you in knowledge, and whose actions remind you of the hereafter.” (al-Muhasibi)



Farhana Akter

Here I am, O Allah, here I am. I submit and submit again.