Plant Psychology

Farhana Akter
7 min readApr 25, 2023


Allah creates plants that produce fruits and vegetables, providing a source of nutrition for both humans and animals. “He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and of the fruits. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who give thought.” [An-Nahl: 11] “And [We brought forth] a [Olive] tree issuing from Mount Sinai, which produces oil and food for those who eat.” [Al- Muminun: 20]

Plants and trees are emotionally intelligent living organisms. Recent research has found that plants cry and produce airborne sounds when they are thirsty or stressed. The hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) established that plants possess life and emotions 1500 years ago. The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date palm on Fridays. Once, an Ansari woman or man said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger (PBUH), shall we make a pulpit for you?’ He replied, ‘If you wish.’ So, they made a pulpit for him, and on Friday, he proceeded toward the pulpit to deliver the sermon. The date palm cried like a child (or a pregnant she-camel)! The Prophet (PBUH) descended to the pulpit, put his hand on the trunk, and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of religious knowledge given near it.’ [Sahih al-Bukhari]

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gathered his Sahaba and called them to pledge to fight until death under a tree. The Quran emphasizes the importance of trees as witnesses to this event:”Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the Bayah (pledge) to you (O Muhammad) under the tree…” [48:18] The Quran also indicates that certain trees are capable of storing memories. Trees may display memory recall through learned responses and pass on environmental memories to their offspring.

A hadith reported by Al-Baihaqi and narrated by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab states that the Prophet (PBUH) was seated on Mount Al-Hajun, distressed, grieved, disheartened, and saddened by the insults and annoyance of the disbelievers. He said, ‘O Allah, show me a miracle today. I will not take it to anyone who falsifies me after it.’ He then called a tree from a steep part of the city. The tree came toward the Prophet (PBUH), grooving the earth beneath to testify to his prophethood. Then, he ordered it to return to its original position. The Prophet (PBUH) then said, ‘I will not pay heed to anyone who falsifies me among my people after this.’ This hadith indicates the intelligence of plants and trees. They can communicate in their own way. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was granted the ability to understand their message. Al-Tirmidhi relates that Ali Ibn Abi Talib said, ‘I was with the Prophet (PBUH) in Mecca; we were moving around, and we did not pass a hill or tree except when it greeted the Prophet (PBUH), saying: ‘Assalam Alaikum, O! Messenger of Allah.’

“The seven heavens declare His glory and the earth (too), and those who are in them; and there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification; surely, He is Forbearing, Forgiving.” [Quran 17:44] Plants have a conscience that gives them an awareness of the Creator’s presence. When Allah chose Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as His prophet, two trees moved toward him to shade him. This incident is recorded in the Sahih report narrated by Imam Muslim, may Allah have mercy on him, from Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him): ‘We stopped in a fragrant valley, and the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to answer the call of nature. I followed him, bringing a bottle of water, but he could not find anywhere to conceal himself. There were two trees at the edge of the valley, so the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) went to one of them, took hold of one of its branches, and said, ‘Follow me, by the permission of Allah.’ Therefore, it followed him like a camel being led by a rope until he came to the other tree. He took one of the other tree’s branches and said, ‘Follow me with Allah’s permission.’ Therefore, it followed him until he reached the halfway point between them. Then, he put them together and said, ‘Stay together and cover me, with Allah’s permission.’ So, they stayed together.’ Jabir said, ‘I kept away, fearing that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) might feel my presence and move even further away. So, I sat down, thinking to myself, and when I turned around, I saw the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) coming toward me, and the two trees had separated and taken up their former positions’ [Sahih Muslim].

Plants can sense a lot about their environment, which can cause stress. Botanists studying plant science know that leaf yellowing is a sign of plant stress. Too much or too little water can yellow the leaves. If the stress-causing circumstance is not alleviated, the yellow leaves may turn brown. This environmental stress causes poor growth. The Quran (39:21) mentions “Have you not considered how Allah sends down water from the sky, then He makes it flow into underground wells, then He produces with it plants of various colors, then they wither, and you see them yellowing, then He turns them into debris? Surely this is a reminder for those with understanding.”

Several plants and trees employ diverse strategies to cope with variations during stressful conditions. By putting their trust in Allah, a believer can effectively cope with stress. Abu Hurairah said, ‘The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘The example of the believer is like that of a plant continually bent over by the wind; the believer is continually beset with afflictions’. The example of a hypocrite is like that of the cedar tree, which does not yield until it is uprooted in one go.’ (Muslim) The believer is akin to a date palm tree that produces beneficial fruits. The faith of a believer is always strong, resembling the root of a date palm tree whose leaves do not fall. “Have you not considered how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven? It produces its fruit all the time with the permission of its Lord. And Allah presents examples for the people that perhaps they will be reminded.” (Quran 14:24).

The organs of a plant have two different systems: the root system (organs below the soil) and the shoot system (organs above the ground). The plant’s ‘brain’ is its roots. The human brain cell is often compared to a tree with a full canopy. You can liken a human brain cell’s nucleus to a trunk. The root system in the human brain is embodied in a single axon, and branch-like structures are called dendrites. Like a robust tree, the brain processes positive thoughts from the location where beliefs are stored.

“Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, [making] a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky?” (Surah Ibrahim: 24) “And the example of a bad word is like a bad tree, uprooted from the surface of the earth, not having any stability. And Allah keeps firm those who believe, with the firm word, in worldly life and the Hereafter. And Allah sends astray the wrongdoers. And Allah does what He wills.” (Surah Ibrahim: 26–27) Ibn Abbas (RA) said: “The phrase ‘the example of a bad word’ refers to shirk, and ‘is like a bad tree’ refers to the disbeliever, and ‘uprooted from the surface of the earth, not having any stability’ means shirk as neither has an origin that a disbeliever can hold to nor a proof.”

Hakeem Ibne Muskeweya (died 421 Hijri) wrote, “Now after having gone through this gradual progression, this manifests itself in an advanced form in the date palm tree and takes plants to a new height. Therefore, if it progresses even further beyond this, it will cross the boundary of plants and adopt the animal form. The effect of the self of a date tree is so strong and great that a strength proportional to and resembling that of animals is created. One is that, like an animal, it contains male and female elements, and for it to be fruitful, it is necessary for the male element to mate with the female; this meeting is called ‘Talqeeh,’ which is akin to mating in animals. In the date palm tree, other than roots and vessels, there is an entity similar to the brains of animals. This is so essential for it that if some calamities strike it, the tree will become withered” (Al Fauz ul Asghar).

Humans and trees are connected — we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, whereas trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Trees are an essential part of the beautiful nature that contributes to the environment by improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. Gardens are mentioned in the Quran to represent a vision of paradise and are prescribed as natural antidepressants. The Quran says, “Or, who created the heavens and the earth, and rains down water from the sky for you? With it, we produce joyful gardens, whose trees you could not have produced. Is there another god other than Allah? But they are people who equate” (27:60). The beauty of gardens improves our mood and increases our gratitude toward the Creator for His favors.

“It is He (Allah) who has appointed you vicegerent on the earth…” (Quran 6:165). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, the Exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselves.” [Sahih Muslim] Trees are cut down for building houses, making excessive furniture, obtaining wood for manufacturing, etc. Large-scale tree cutting can destroy ecosystems, cause climate change, and increase the risks of natural disasters. Although trees are created to serve Adam’s purposes’ children, it is our responsibility to plant trees and save the planet. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “There is none among Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but it is a charitable gift for him.” [Sahih al-Bukhari] He emphasized the importance of planting trees and said, “Even if the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has a sapling in his hand, let him plant it.” (Musnad Aḥmad)



Farhana Akter
Farhana Akter

Written by Farhana Akter

Here I am, O Allah, here I am. I submit and submit again.

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